Is this a ggod solution for ick?


My 2.25" tang has ick. It happened in a matter of hours. At about 5:00pm yesterday he had 1 or 2 spots. When I got home from having dinner with my girlfriend one side had like 30 spots mostly on one side. They were everywhere, around the eyes and all over his body. They looked like grains of salt. There was also a 2mm long white slug like creature on his fin. Ive only had him about a week.
My small tank had just finished cycling. I was going to make a nano reef, but o well. I put him in the 6 gallon. This was not easy. I had to take out 70lbs of LR to get him out of the 55 While I was at it I caught those darn damsels too. I also dropped the salinity to 1.19. Soon to be 1.009.
Today at 10:30 am I check on him and no signs of ick whatso ever. How can this be? Did that slug eat the ick? Maybe it wasnt even ick and I over reacted? What do you guys think.
Atleast I now have a quarintine tank


Staff member
If the tang has ich, then all the fish are exposed and all need to be treated.
Added any new fish lately to the tank?


th reason you didnt see any spots the next day is because the parasite goes thru a cycle or stages of growth where they detach from the host and become free swimming then will reattach.