Is this a good deal....Aqualine Metal Halides

I am looking at buying a lighting upgrade. My LFS has a Aqualine light system. It has 2-150 watt 10,000k metal halide bulbs and 2 26watt true blue compacts. They said they were german made and normally sell for $800. It is ment to hang from the ceiling or it can sit on top of your tank. It weights about 40 pounds. He had a brand new one that a guy tried to put on a corner tank and it didnt fit so he asked my LFS to sell it for $400. Is this a good deal and is this a good quality light?:confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
Even at 400 bucks it Sounds kinda pricey too me.Plus 150 watt bulbs are not that popular,so getting replacement bulbs could be a problem...I would look around a bit before commiting yourself to this deal....


Active Member
if that is the hood i am thinking of, its made by aquamedic(quality stuff) and the bulbs that are in it are the double ended HQI. the pc's that are in it are Osram power compact actinics, and i think they are probably the best looking actinic pc's i have ever seen. our lfs owner just purchase a 3*250 watt setup for 800 bucks, but that was because it was damaged. the three by 250 usually costs 1,039 wholesale, and would be like 1500 or 1600 retail. the fixture you ar elooking at would probably be like 800 or 900 wholesale, and then be like 1100-12000 retail. i think you are gettign a killer deal on some sweet lights, and would have to say go for it. i saw this exact light fixture, fired up at the aqua medic wholesaler here in loveland, and i guarantee you will love it! very cool stuff
good luck
Yep I think you are thinking of the same thing. It is really nice looking and compact. I did look on the intnet and found one for around $900. He had 2 for was just power compacts...which were really nice too...they had a lot of pink lights so it looked really cool on the tank. I guess the germans make better bulbs with a truer light spectrum. He said they really know there lighting there. He did put this other fixture on a tank so we could see it. I was speachless....was really nice. I could even upgrade the compact bulbs if I wanted. Th unit itself doesnt get really hot and there is no fan in it?!?! He said that the quality was so good that you didnt need them. I think we just cant pass up the deal, we have it on hold till Saturday. They are these double ended halides...someone told me these were poor quility bulbs though? I was also tld that in the next few years that is all that will be on the market?!?!? Oh well thanks for your help.:D


I have the same fixture without the PC's. The guy at my LFS used a Lux Meter to measure the light output...the double ended 150's put out more light than a regular 175. And the fixture is one of the nicest you can get...IMO. I love mine. And you can always adjust the distance from the tank. BTW - mine was $550 without the PC's...$650+ with them. I say grab it as fast as you can!!! long as your tank is no more than 24" deep...and 20" would be ideal.


Active Member
from what i understand form the whoesaler, the put vets directly above the hqi halides and because of the shape of the fixture they are in, it naturally circulates teh air to cool them, and therefore no fan is needed. it is also really cool, that the hqi halides that come with it are rated at 10,00K but actually burn at 1300K which is more toward the blue spectrum, bringing out the colors of your corals even more. man for 400 bucks i dont think you can pass it up, i think there is a law that says you have to get it:D ;) :D
well anyway, take some before and after pics of your tank and then post them here whenever you get em back, just make sure that if you do get thta fixture to raise it up off the tank fairly high, and then lower it over time to give all your corals/inverts time to adjust. you will also experience an algae bloom, but just up the number of cleaners and youll be fine! the way the light moves along the suspension wire is sweet as well. crazy germans!
BTW, these guys also make the AB mogul metal haildes, and the same thign goes with their regular mogul base bulbs. on my 135 i have three 65K cheapo mh's that i will be replacinf with three AB 250 watt 10K (really 13K) bulbs at the end of this month. i will take pics and post the two for comparison.
sorry to ramble on!
good luck
I have a 75 gallon tank so I will be safe on the depth. I think we are going to grab it for sure. I love the "ripple effect" you get from the metal halides...they just dont compact to just power compacts. I cant wait. The only thing that bother me is the hanging for the ceiling bit. I would be afraid of what might happen if not done right. I think we are going to set it on the tank but put some blocks of some sort underneath. I will be glad to not have to move the lights just to feed the fish. Do you thing we should keep the glass top on the tank?


Active Member
i owuld pull the glass tops on th etank, personally. i feel that although an open top tank loses mroe water to evaporation, you also gain the increased gas exchange, and oxygenation of the water. we were worried as well about hanging th elight from the ceiling. we went through about 8different ideas until we found that there were two layers of sheetrock in the ceiling. we used eye bolts form home depot, and 1/2 inch alligator anchors, and drilled through the drywall, fed the bolt and anchor through, then looped the hanging wire through the eyebolt. the first time we hung it, the light pulled out of the ciling and thank god one of the guys was under it to catch it or it would been 800 bucks down the drain, but the only reason it fell was because the allligator hadnt gone far enough through the drywall, and therefore never opened. the guy under it caught it in the weirdest way to. it basically fell right onto his back, and he had one hand over it in fornt and one in back, but htanks to him nothing was damaged. anyhow, we redid the anchor and made sure it was fine, and hung it a second time, and its worked wonderfully ever since. its soo cool the way it hangs too. looks very cool!
good luck


I would definitely hang it, not put it on blocks. First, it is like...almost football shaped and wouldn't be stable. Second...very cool to be able to look down into the tank. And I would/did tank the glass tops off. As for securing it in the ceiling...I wasn't about to take chances. I found joists for the second floor and screwed into those. If they weren't in the right place...I was ready to tear part of the ceiling down and add some 2x6 stringers where I needed them and then patch the ceiling. And getting the light for only $'d still be way ahead of the game!
This sounds great but I live in an apartment. I am not sure how to go about this. Not to mention I dont know( and I am sure they used cheap supplies) how stable the ceiling is. I dont think I would find a joist right above the tank either.:( If I ask the complex for help I am quit sure they wont be of any help...I know from experience. Problems...problems. Everytime I buy something new it creats a new problem:rolleyes:


Active Member
If i were you, I would look for something second hand on this board's classifieds or one of the many other boards around. I picked up a dual PFO 400 watt halide retrofit with ballast/moguls/reflectors/2 bulbs for $200 + shipping. MUCH better deal IMO.


I had to ask!!!:D Like I said earlier...go grab it! A stud finder is about $25! The light is pretty heavy...I wouldn't have used anchors in the drywall...but mine is thin drywall...better safe than sorry with a tank full of electricuted fish!


You would be very fortunate to have the joists line up where you want, but there is an alternative.
First, you need to find the joists. The easiest way is with a stud finder, you can pick one up for under $20. Once the joists are located, if they are wher you want, sink the eye bolts and you're done. If not, get a 1X4 board, whatever kind of wood you want and make sure that it is the width of your tank. Secure the wood to the joists and then attach the eye bolts to the board to hang your light. The board can then be stained/painted to your taste.
I live in an apartment. I wonder what other peolpe think goes on in here. At night if you look from the outside my windows have this blue glow. I bet it makes people wonder.:eek:
Last night we bought the light and brought it home:D Today we bolted a 2x4 to the studs the ceiling and attatched the light to it. Even painted the wood to match the ceiling. I dont think it is going anywhere. The hardest part was trying to center the light over the tank. The tank is not against a wall but a rail to the kitchen, so it was a challenge. It paid off it is time to sit back and enjoy. It is so bright in the living room I will never have to turn on a lamp again:eek:


Believe it or not...after a while it doesn't seem so bright. Good luck...I think these units are some of the nicest looking and functioning on the market.