Is this a good deal? Will I need anything else?


New Member
I am returning to the hobby after several years away. I am looking at buying a tank and equipment from someone instate. I have been away long enough to not know the value of such equipment and what I'm missing. I could really use the advice/expertise of this board (I have perused the threads extensively already). I will include the equipement and a picture of what I am looking to buy.
- 46 Gallon Bow Front AGA tank (No Scratches)
- Oak Stand and Hood
- 2 55 Watt PC's Smart Lights
- All Plumbing w/overflow
- SCWD Wave device
- 2 1/2 to 3" aragonite sand bed
- 15 Gal Refugium
- RIO 2100 Return Pump
- Protein Skimmer W/Pump
- Auto Top-off system included w/pump
- Brand New Calcium Reactor never hooked up (Like Knop-C)

He is offering it to me for $400 OBO. Can I do better? Is this a must buy? Am I getting myself into a money pit (lots of maintenance, expensive additions? Am I ready to go with this setup or am I about halfway? If so, what would I be missing.
At first my tank will be a fish-only, but a couple months down the road I'd like to put some invertebrates in. Thank you in advance!


Yes, that is a good deal.
I would say you are about 75% ready to go with the setup as it stands right now. You didn't mention if any test kits were included, which are a must have especially when cycling a new tank.
As far as added expenses go - I would add a couple more inches of sand to get a true DSB, probably could even use playsand, if the substrate that is currently in there, has not been out of SW for very long (more then a 2 hours) it is already considered LS, and would seed the playsand.
Live rock if you opt to, it will aid in filtration, as well as provide a food source for many reef inhabitants. You didn't mention about a heater, thermometer, way to measure specific gravity, so if the tank doesnt come with that stuff you will need to buy it as well.
Good luck and welcome to the boards


New Member
Oh yea, I talked to the guy and he said he'd throw in a bit of live rock. The deal is getting sweeter, but I just want to be sure. Anything other than the heater missing?


That isn't a bad deal. You may want to get a back-up return pump. Many people on this board have had many problems with them. HTH.


New Member
When you buy something (namely a tank) what do you do to protect yourself? Especially when not buying from an LFS? What steps do you take to not get taken?


I would fill the tank up with a hose in the drive way and make sure there are no leaks in it. Make sure he has never treated the tank with copper, as this could be bad news if you want to do reef and stuff. Other than that you just have to trust them. IMO.


New Member
Filling the tank would make sense. He's said he would give me some of his live rock... how do you transport that? Also, I assume that all the equipment would be taken down (aquarium emptied etc.) How can I benefit from the existing good bacteria?