is this a good deal?

gsw the future

New Member
hi everybody, im new to saltwater but have been learning a lot of information by browing through threads and have read the consientious aquarist . My question is if im gettin a good deal if i buy this tank that has all of these things that come with it , its $275
- 100 gallon acrylic tank
- 3 cabinet wood stand
- acrylic cover
- 2 bulb florescent lights
- oddysea 36' true blue attinic light fixture
- marineland biowheel filter (upto 80 gallons)
- Canister filter (upto 180 gallons)
- odyssea 250 ex powerhead w/ filter attachment
- odyssea 550 ex powerhead w/ filter attachment
- 2 250 watt heaters
- thermometer
- magnetic algea cleaner
- misc. extra equipment
- Large air pump/ bubbler
- extra filter pads and filter products
- 3 5 gallon buckets
- Large fish net
- Some liquids for cleaning and maintaining tank
- extra 50 gal sea salt


welcome to the board!!
Nope not a good deal send me the adress so I can call them and let them know

in all seriousnous if the tank is in good condition or just minor scratches its a great deal with all the extras that are included for this area anyway. you would have to upgrade the lighting if you want to get into corals though.

gsw the future

New Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
welcome to the board!!
Nope not a good deal send me the adress so I can call them and let them know

in all seriousnous if the tank is in good condition or just minor scratches its a great deal with all the extras that are included for this area anyway. you would have to upgrade the lighting if you want to get into corals though.
thanx for the reply, im going to try and post a pic if i can


dude thats an awesome deal, i have more money in just lighting and powerheads than what your paying almost a full tank setup.


ya the stand prolly coast that much new in a store so i would buy that ASAP
thats a great deal