is this a good deal


I posted this on the equip board as well, but this board seems to get more traffic. Does anyone have an opinion on this deal?
From the equipment and diy board...
Is this a good deal
I found a deal for a new wet/dry trickle filter (150 gal rated) with a p skimmer for under $250. Siphon of the back of tank with a return. It includes the pumps as well. I was only going to buy a "good" protein skimmer, but for another $50, should I get it? I am planning on a fish and soft coral tank. I have 80# lr and 40#ls. running with an emperor 400 now and plan on adding more lr in the future. I know I need a p skimmer, just wondering if I should get the entire sump system as well.
ok, enough rambling.....


Active Member
Brand Names? Models?
Might be a deal.... maybe not.
There is a lot of good low buck equip. as well as high priced junk.


Here is the title.
"Aqua Clear Aquatics Model 150 Pro-Series Wet Dry Filter w/ a built in Venturi Protein Skimmer"


Not sure about their products so this is only based on experience with Amiracles built in PS. It was a piece of junk as far as skimmers go. I ended up yanking it out and rigging up a better skimmer for the sump.
Maybe somebody here has some experience with that actual product though.


I did a search on Aqua Clear and it seemed the results were mixed as far as satisfaction goes. I think I am just going to add some more lr, buy a "quality" p skimmer, and run a sump under the tank where I can keep it. From what i am reading, it seems like most ppl end up getting rid of the bio balls and are using the thing for a sump anyway, so I don't think it is a wise use of $$$$.


I really like my CPR wet/dry/skimmer that I have, the only thing that I hated, and changed, was the "continous overflow box". It was a pain in the *** to keep going.


Go for the pro150 TLK, I've owned it. It works great, especially the skimmer. I bought it brand new for $245 with 2 pumps included. Look at my post "some shots for the day" in the reef forum, you'll see how my tank does with that w/d skimmer built in filter. I don't use that many bio balls though. Good luck


here's a pic of the built in skimmer. It produces foam like crazy. However, don't expect it to skim your tank if your tank doesn't have anything for it to skim:)