Is this a good deal?


Active Member
Following is for sale used from my LFS--the guy is moving (his house) and selling off his own personal tanks...he's got a schweet 300 gal, but that's definitely out of the budget--but how bout this:
140 gal Clarity Plus Reef Ready (drilled, acrylic, 60x18x30)
Hood with 8x55 watt power compacts (440 watts)
30 gal long sump
return pump
skimmer rated for 250 gals
stand (it's purty)

melissa v.

i don't know if it is a good deal for michigan, i live in north carolina and there was a 150 gallon in the paper, lights, sump, fish live sand, liverock,lots of coral READY TO GO--JUST MOVE IT TO YOUR HOUSE. for only $900.00 so $1500.00 sounds very high to me. hope this helps
Melissa V.


Active Member
Wow, Melissa really? Did you go check it out--ie it didn't leak and the stuff they said came with it really was quality? I can't imagine walking away from it for $900!
and jwtrojan--it's a good thought--I've already got the guy contemplating if he'd let me make payments on it...i don't want to push my luck too much :D


Active Member
That's a good point DVSkin...I was thinking about that...but also thinking that I don't have anything really light intensive now--and I just can't swing the cost of the setup (minus lights) and then buy lights. Too much all up--i mean my ideal is MH pendants (i really like the open look) and to get say 3 mh 250 watt pendants i'm looking at $700-800 right there...even if he knocks $200 of the price for the lights i still couldn't swing the vibe I'm getting from this is it's a decent deal, but not the best. I think I'll see what the verdict is on my payment offer. I tossed out the idea of me giving him $500 now--he sells my current gear on consignment for probably ~$400....and then my paying him $100/month for the difference (~6 months). He said he wanted to sleep on it...I think if he bites I'll do it, but if not I won't... Sound reasonable to you all?


doesnt sound to bad to me either.
on the PC even if he wont budge on them then you can upgrade the lighting and seel the PCS off to hobbiests that need them to make some money back from them.
as far as price mellissa is talking about somone that is selling their tank and equipment personally you will always get a better deal than through a LFS. most people that sell things off need to get rid of them fast so the price is lower.
also at tenecor a 135 RR acrylic is $1798 tank only thats the only acrlyic I could find quickly but that gives you a number to go with on a new one about the same size.
that would be sweet tank though good luck


Active Member
is this from fish doctors by chance? Or coral reef? I think that this is a good deal coming from either of these stores.


Active Member
er...justinx, why you wanna know? he he...please please please don't go and try to 'out-bid' me! but yes it's from the latter.


A bit off topic, but Coral Reef off of Ford Rd. Does it have a new owner or something? I went in there the other day to pick up some of my clean up crew, and it was all new people working there again.


Active Member
I dunno--I think Justin was talking about Coral Reef in A^2...which has been run by Dave since it opened...(and Dave used to work at Fish Doctors so the two stores do have a lot in common--which is a good thing :) )


Active Member
Leigh, I think it's a good deal especially if you can swing it like you outlined above. You can work on lighting upgrades once you paid it off. RR's are so darn expensive, it blows me away. I know around here if I saw that deal and could work it out, I'd do it. I love my 135. It's not RR but I caught a great $300.00 deal from Oceanic because of an itty bitty scratch.


Active Member
Wow, so the poll has swung to the 'no' side...anyone have any last input before I go back by the store today?


Active Member
I voted no and here is why:
I just bought a 125 gallon oceanic glass tank (6 foot long).
It came with:
Over flows and returns in each corner
4 30 Watt NO strips
Glass Tops
I am notoriously tight with my money and do not spend a dime extra if I don't have to .... now granted you will get a sump & a skimmer - but I have a sump already in mind and a refugium - both made by rubber maid.....
got this @ a garage sale less than 10 blocks from my house (actually my wife found it and encouraged me to buy it). They originally wanted $500 and thought they should be able to get at least $800 for it but they wanted it gone .....


Active Member
I think what I'm hearing is I really need to start looking in the paper/going to yardsales more often! (I've always wondered though, with yard sale/paper items--how do you know the tank is copper free and holds water?--that always seemed like it'd scare me)


Active Member

Originally posted by leigh
I think what I'm hearing is I really need to start looking in the paper/going to yardsales more often! (I've always wondered though, with yard sale/paper items--how do you know the tank is copper free and holds water?--that always seemed like it'd scare me)

copper free - that's a fifty fifty proposition. My thought is that you have to trust them (they lost all their reef in an ice storm we just had) and they sold off the LR but everything else died (yes 8 days with no power is just a wee bit too long). As for trusting them - I trust them about as far as I can throw them ... so I will be laying in an extra layer of silicone over all seams. I've had it in my garage and filled with hose water and there is is currently no CU showing up in tests I've had run so I am thinkign I will be copper free.
Water tight?? Hmm I wrote a check and told them I will cancel the check and return the aquarium if it did not hold water. they didn't like it too much but they als o did not want to return the tank to their garage ..... then I ran home - set it up and filled it with hose water .....
someone on this board once made the statement that you should not pay more than a dollar a gallon for a used tank .... while not totally realistic I use that as my main starting point and then add from there ...... X amount for a stand X amount for lighting I can use to supplement my 3 MH's I will buy ... stuff like that....


Active Member
also - ALWAYS water test before putting into your living room - a local reefer bought a tank and filled it in his living room and the BACK of the tank broke out .... rumor is he is still sleeping in the doghouse ....


Active Member
Overanalyzer...I would be very skeptical about someone selling something so cheap, actually. $250 is extremely low for all that you say it came with.
Leigh - Let me put this in perspective.
I just bought a 100g Lee-Mar Diamond Edge, glass tank. It is drilled and has an overflow box - After tax - $410 alone.
I built the stand and canopy - $150
Sump - $200
Return pump - $200
Plumbing - another $30+
Skimmer - $200
That is approximately $1200 and I haven't even filled it yet, or braced the floor. I also don't have lights yet.
I did a little online shopping for your tank. Those dimensions actually measure out to 135g according to the site I checked, but the tank alone retails for $757 new. With a stand and canopy, that brings it to $896. Throw in everything else you have and I think you are getting a good deal, as long as everything is in good shape (no acrylic scratches, etc...)