Is this a good list for my 55 Gallon

Well im planning ahead of what I want my stock list to be and wondering if anybody can help me well here it is:
Potters Angelfish
Scooter Blennie
Pair False Perculas
Diamon Goby
Red Firefish Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Shrimp Goby Banded
And any advice because I really want to get a Helfrich Goby thats my dream fish like what I need and all that info.
15 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
20 Nass/Turbo Snails
2 Sally Lightfoot
3 Emerald Crabs (when I have enough algae build up of course)
2 Feather Dusters
2 Cleaner Shrimps
1 Fire Shrimp
Hard Tube Coco Worm
How many frags or polyps of Zoos can I get, I want the multi-color of Zoos if possible
Well heres my idea of the list I tried balancing it out
Like my tank is 50 gallons so I tried to get a 50 head count of clean up crew and just thought of inches on the fish. Any help will be appreciated or fish to recommend or not to recommend things along those lines.
My tank dimensions are 48"Lenght 12"Width 19"Height have around 20-25 pounds of live and dead rock and is planning on adding another 15-20 pounds of live rock.
Have a wet/dry sump and have a MAG 5 pump flowing the tank. Also have a 400 Penguin running and I am planning on gettin a T5 light fixture after I get the rest of my rocks. The lights are going to be 2X65 one Actinic and the other a regular Daylight with individual mirrors on each bulb.
Thank You
I guess ill try the both but then if they start fighthing ill just return them.
But im really curious about the three gobies you guys said, would that be safe?
And what about the helfrich goby is there any special specs. that I need to know about it ?


Active Member
I've never had one, to expensive, but I have seen someone on this site with one. Very beautiful. I would think they have the same needs and other firefish.
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I've never had one, to expensive, but I have seen someone on this site with one. Very beautiful. I would think they have the same needs and other firefish.
So they wouldnt need any specific type of parameters in anyway, its just the price that makes them seem like there hard to tak care of?


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I have had both red and purple together and had no problems.

ditto. mine don't school together the way two red ones will, but there has never been any aggression. aggressive firefish sounds like an oxymoron.


Active Member
I did just read they are harder to keep, and cant handle warmer water. I sent you a pm on what I found. This is a fish that needs to be researched before purchase.
Alright I think ill pass on for now till I get more experiance, but I guess ill go for Two Firefish because there easier to find and cheaper thank you guys
Oh and about the Coco Worms are they like the regular Feather Dusters or do they need more special stuff