Is This A Good Protein Skimmer


I'm looking at buying a Visi Jet Protein Skimmer for my 20 gallon tank. I can get it for about 31 dollars. I did do some research and read quite a few comments from buyers. They all were satisfied with the product and being a first timer it seems like a very good skimmer. Any opinions would help.


this thing is total crap and a waste of time IMHO. If you can save up your money and buy something a little more worth it.


Ok. I just did some research on a Seaclone Protein Skimmer. What do u think of it? And when looking for a PS what do I look for?


I would say the best "cheapest" brand you can get is probably the cpr bak-pak
you want to look for a skimmer that will take the gunk out--the brown stuff in the collection cup
Im not an expert by any means but im going by my experience and I hope this helps

al mc

Active Member
More costly, but both better skimmers: Coralife Super Skimmer (good)
Remora (better..more expense)


Active Member
for a 20 gallon with no sump, there are not really any skimmers that are worth a crap.
Imo you would be better of to save your money and just do your 10% weekly water changes.


Active Member
i use the prizm skimmer. i think they r around $80. the reviews on it r very good. i clean my collection cup 1x a week in my 72. i think it does a great job for the price.


Active Member
Yeah, the Visi-Jet sucks, and not in the good way.
I had to strip my down, and put it all back together because it wasn't assembled correctly. And I'm still tweaking to get the optimal amount of effluent/water in the collection cup.
Oh, and forget about Technical Support. They were just as useless as their product.


New Member
no no no Visijets are awful. I replaced mine with a seaclone 100 for my 55gl. Which did ok, that same seaclone is now running on my 29gl. Although I have modified it quite a bit. It works ok for the smaller tank. I agree with everyone on the air intake issues with seaclones. The stock valve is worthless.


Active Member
IMO visi jets are junk (was the first skimmer I ever bought), they are micro bubble factories, nearly impossible to tune properly, and not very effective.
I will never own or reccomend one.
spend the money on something like an aqua c (my most recent skimmer) I give the aqua c's a five star rating. its only been running for a couple days yet outperforms my coralife SS tenfold. it really is worth the money to buy a good skimmer.
my first skimmer i bought a red sea prism and does a great job. Clean collection cup about once a week and it does indeed pull some nasty junk out of my water i would have never believed to be in there. Ive had good luck with mine. Not to expensive either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i use the prizm skimmer. i think they r around $80. the reviews on it r very good. i clean my collection cup 1x a week in my 72. i think it does a great job for the price.
I really don't know how big the collection cup on a prizm is; but if you only have to empty it 1X weekly; you're either very lightly stocked, or the skimmer isn't doing as much as you think is. I'm with the Aqua-C remora group; best HOT skimmer, by far, I've ever used.


Active Member
I'm with the Aqua-C remora group; best HOT skimmer, by far, I've ever used.But, any skimmer should be ok in a 20 gal. Most folks end up going bigger; so you may want to look at a better skimmer as an investment. BTW, peeked at your public profile--Thanks for serving our Country, from my entire family. Being a native of N. Wis.; the OSU avitar has to go. I'm 90 min from UT now; but still a Badger fan!!