Is this a good stocking list?



Im going to start a 125 gal FOLRLS tank and i had a list in mind to stock the tank with. I need some advice as to wether or not this list is compatable with the setup.
Hippo Tang
2 Percs
Archilles Tang
Queen Angel (juvenile)
Teddybear crab
Blue starfish
Bubble Tip Anemone
And the last fish to be added......Zebra Tang:happyfish
I Might add a couple small fish, but im not sure if this list is enough to fully stock the tank.


The angel will eat your anemone and probably ol' teddy too! Tangs do get ich so make sure your tank specs are right on when you introduce them so as to cut down on stress.


thanks for the imput. it looks like im going to have to get more creative with my stocking list. im sure im not the only one who likes angels, but it seems there have to be so many factors in your favor to make angels co-exist with reefs and other good looking fish. money doesnt hurt either...with money we could all buy a 1000 gal tank, and stockiing wouldnt be a problem

yeah like they really make tanks that big....:eek: