Is this a hydroid??


Back with another question.
I have some small reddish, maroon growths on my lr. Coming from the top of them are what appear to be "hairs." They wave gently in the current.
Are these hydroids?? It is not aptasia. If they are hydroids, is there anything that will eat them? Any other way to get rid of them?
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Do they look like this?
<a href="" target="_blank">Hydroids</a>
You can use hot kalk paste to get rid of them in the same manner as you would get rid of aiptasia.


I don't know if the tentacles are "clean." They are quite small. I have to use a magnifying glass to see them good.
Some one on another message board suggested that I use tweezers to pluck them out. Good or bad suggestion?? I don't have very many. About 6.
Thanks for any help. :)


By the way, I was going to put a pair of dwarf seahorses in here, (it's a small 5 gal. tank) and was told hydroids will kill them. Anyone ever hear of this??
Do hydroids hitch hike in on lr??
Sharon <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />