Is this a leather coral?

This guy appeared in my xenia last looks like a leather coral to me, can anybody confirm? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
thanks...he appears to be growing fairly fast

Either that or he closes up to almost nothing, and then appears big when the lights come on. Somtimes hitchiker corals all of a sudden pop up out of no where and they look like they grew over night. Until you notice them and start to observe them. Then for some reason their growth slows..LOL.


Looks cool, but its hard to tell. It has individual polyps and the interesting thing is that each polyp has eight feeding tentacles (from what I can count). It definately looks like an octocoral which puts it in the leather family. Again, cool find!


pagodas polyps are almost flat.. dont reach out like that...
so i agree with sign guy..
Looks more like gonapora to me.


Active Member
I have a pagoda cup and mine looks NOTHING like that (although I wish it did) Not personally sure what it is but I don't think Pagoda.... This looks like it has a stock as its raised above the xenia and not a plate/skeleton. But that is just MO


Active Member
the only thing that throws me about it not being a goniopora is that it doesnt have the right skeletol base that most of them have.