Is this a Purple Anthia ?


^bump, Anyone ? I looked up Purple Anthias and they really dont look like the one I have. Any suggestions ?


I'm new to this message board and I don't know what BUMP means. (Its not listed in th Bulletin Board Acronym list.)


Active Member
bump gets the thread to the top of the list again so people can see it.
ive heard the purple queen are pretty hard to care for.


Active Member
Mine was a pain to fet to eat, he only likes small stuff like rotifers and cyclopeeze. He will some times eat live brine. i am hoping eventually he will eat phyto plankton and mysis. For now i am just happy he is eating and has acclaimated well to my tank.


Originally Posted by crt81
How many fish do you have in your tank?
What are they?
I have 2 clowns, 1- red velvet wrasse, 1-mandarin, 1-purple Fridimani, 3-B/G Chromis, and 1-firefish, and now the Anthia.
I got the Anthia for $19.99, so I thought it was a steal.
The Anthia is in my main tank and he has been swiming and hanging with the Blue Green Chromis, he seems to be doing well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
he seems to be doing well.
Its a '' she ''.

I have a female Lyretail thats over 10 years old. Very peacefull and active.
Your Yellowstripe looks very nice. Good luck with her.


Active Member
You can try it, mine just took afew for the first time last night. She really only seems interested in eating cyclopeeze, rotifers and plankton. Not much food for such a big fish, but he seems happy and healthy. Getting this fish to eat is a problem.