Is this a sponge?


i got that 2 tried a couple of times page cannot be displayed. is there any other way to try to show it?
never mind i missed the post where it said pic i saw it now looks like what you have is a foraminferin there are a couple different types. they are just a harmless filter feeder. i have them all over my tank also some are red to the pink color you have


New Member
If the pic from karlas is what you have then richard is right. Just my 2 cent here. I think with all of the insults on these boards now I think some are a little too sensative and think they are being insulted when sometimes they are not. I saw nothing wrong with what richard's post. I also believe it is helpful to have a few book. It looks to me like richard does what I do and reads books as well as internet sources. Yes you can find alot on the internet, but who do you think you can trust more me or Julian Sprung. I don't know richard, but I have had the honor of reading several of his post and in my opinion he has very intelligent advise and I don't remember seeing him cutting any one down. I have agreed with most if not all of what he has had to say. He, karlas, and others are great assetts to this board. And I am very sorry to hear about your layoff. There has been alot of that going on where I work in the last year. I wish you the best of luck.
Maybe insulted was the wrong word. Let me start over by thanking Richard for his help. I would love to have a full library of SW aquarium books, but I don't. Several other people mentioned they did not know what this was either, so I don't see the problem with posting the question.
The comment about buying a book made me feel like I was "wasting his time" because he was the first to answer the question.


Hey if you can't show pictures of things in youre tank which i enjoy seeing,and dont know anything about. Then i guess people should use a chat site for all the other crap that does'nt teach us not as intelligent people anything. :D


New Member
I never said that the was anything wrong with the question or that it should not be posted here. I think it is a very good question and being on this board i'm sure it will answer the same question for alot of people. I was just making the point that I thought you read a little too much into his comment. I understand how you could feel this way after reading answers from certain people in various post, but I think he was just letting people know that books are a great source for identifying such things. And for what it's worth, I don't have a full library just a few I have picked up over a period of time. There are probably not many people on this board who can run out and buy all of the books they can find at once. The one richard refered to is not very expensive so you might want to look in to it whenever you can. (No I don't have that one) And again good post. :)