is this a titan??


northern reefer posted this pic saying it was a juvenile titan...i am just wondering if it is cuz my friend just bought the identical fish from the LFS and it was labelled a yellow face trigger. Also it is about 4" and it was only 30 dollars and i know titans are quite expensive...just wondering.. thanks!!


Active Member
I'm no trigger expert, so it is kind of hard to tell for me until the color change....I'll defer this to someone else. Bo


I dont think that is a true titan. I know juvi titans look different tan adults but that looks like a baby pineapple to me. I know his big titan is a true titan but not sure bout the baby.
I'll take a new picture my juv. titan. the trigger is much darker and looks very similar to my big titan. both have dark green eyes and a mustache. I have a picture of a juv. yellow-faced trigger, when I find it I'll post it. my titan triggers were sold as a starry trigger and a yellow-faced trigger/dotty trigger. my lfs used those names because they didn't have a titan trigger tag.
both of my titan triggers look like the pineapple trigger picture I found. does anyone know the scientific name for the pineapple trigger?
I bought my titans for $20 and $75 at my lfs and recently picked up the starry for $15. sometimes the prices on the net are outrageous. my lfs doesn't know what to charge if it's not a huma or niger.


The trigger named "yellowface" that i picked up looked exactly like a Titan so i thought i would buy it anyways. It has the wicked green eyes, the 2 big chomper teeth, and you can see the moustache. Its still small though about 3.5 inches. The owner of the LFS didn't think it was a Titan, but now he does and wants to buy it back from me.


Active Member
FWIW... my LFS also has a fish that looks just like the one pictured above. It is also being sold as a yellow-face trigger.