Is this and outrageous price?


Active Member
LFS has some frogspawn, branching type, pale brown. 3 heads and the entire colony is about 6" tall, price is $240. They have a couple of these and I think it's just stuipdly priced, but have never purchased any before and I can't seem to find anything online to compare to.


3 heads for $240 ?!?? WoW thats insane...I picked 1 head up from a friend for $10 lol and i also got 1 head of rainbow hammer from a LFS for $20....and i thought $60-$80 for 6+ heads was crazy lol .....
That also would mean that the green hammer i scored for free at a local frag swap with 12-15 heads and about 6" long would be worth $300 bucks lol .....


Active Member
The stores here in Vegas totally blow, this same store has a 4" round chunk of LR with about 60-70 nasty looking brown zoo polyps on it for $110, I'm a zoo fanatic and can get that same rock for $20 just about anywhere.


yeah, Vegas sucks, I just moved away from there. I never bought anything from any stores there in town. Way over priced. I bought all my stuff from this site.


Active Member
Yeah, that is ridiculously priced. A place by me has one with 5 heads for $100 that is absolutely stunning.


Active Member
Yea, that is definately toooooooo much!! At the store I work at, we have a branching frogspawn with 7+ heads for $80 and it's gorgeous.


I agree with all. My lfs has some AMAZING neon green ones that size and they only want $100 which is still very high IMO, and these are the nicest ive seen in person. You have to go and get a picture of that. Would love to see a $240 frogspawn