is this anemone doomed? - mercy buy


I bought this anemone from a lfs that was in the process of moving. It was in a tank w/ no light and little movement. They had gotten rid of most of their coral, clams and livestock before the move. This poor fellow is really white - (bleached). I have him at the top of my tank 72gal bow 4x96 pc 2 x 03 and 2 x 10k. I have tried to feed him some small krill he can hold onto it w/ his sticky but never eats it. What is it? He has survived for almost a week now. There may be some hope?


Active Member
I don't think it is doomed. If it attached himself to a rock and the guts aren't coming out, then I would still give it hope. I might try feeding it a piece of meaty food (mysis, krill, plankton). I bought a very bleached anemone from a LFS that did great.


Well it definatly needs help. You can try the method that Unleashed suggests and see if it works. That will at least get it some nutrition. Your lighting might not be enough for it to fully recover though. In many of the cases that I have looked at invoving sebae anemones it was the MH lighting that came to the rescue. I have seen cases where 440 watts of VHO have helped as well, but not to fully thriving.
Good luck


from my experience with anemones from LFS, they are always bleached out and they won't eat at first, it took me about 2 weeks to get my flower to eat..he finally got the idea and has grown and darkened up conciderably..don't give up..atleast he has attached himself mine wouldn't even do that and kept flopping over..then he got caught up in a filter! I thought he was a gonner but, he bounced back and I think he is the healthiest one I have..gotta love these creatures, they are amazing. He's a nice one and good luck with him!


I am about 95% sure it isn't a seabea. I've killed one of those personally because of the lack of MH lights. I didn't do my research like I usually do. This thing has been at the top of the tank on a rock where I put him a week ago. The seabea went to the substraight immediatly(sp).


Thats what I think too, they come in so many shapes, sizes and colors...I have one that was white like that with a pink mouth...he has darked up considerably and i've only had him about 3 weeks...what do you think..heres a pic