Is this anenome moving or inside

hello everyone! Just had a question for all you anenome experts out there.... In the first pick I have my anenome the way its been since I have had it, it eats regulary and hasn't moved from its rock. In pics 2 an 3 are signs that hes either quite sick or just moving to a new home or both!!! he didn't eat the food I tried to give him last night, and started moving overnite. Any help to whats going on will be appreciated!!!
In the 2 bottom picks there is a hermit crab right where he used to be for reference point!!!
Thanks again



Active Member
He looks like he's bleaching out and dying to me. what kind of lighting do you have? what are your water parameters?
allright... did water test everything is normal as always... calcium was a bit high around 500 but I did 10 gallon water change to be sure... I don't think bleaching occured, it was the pics and the angle of the shot which makes it look that bright, his foot is definently funky, it looks like he was pulled out of it or even walked out of it????? I do have PC lighting( coralife with 260 watts), and I know that is a no no with an anenome, but I got it b4 I knew this. So, anyone have an idea what i should do.... Oh I am also fighting ich, but I thought that wouldn't affect stuff like that?


Active Member
tube anenomes dont need special lighting. vipir i thought tube also, but it looks like the foots messed up
Iposted what lights I have in the post b4, I guess all I really need to know is that is it possible to come out of its"foot" to move somewhere else.... It is definently moving and has sand sticking to the tube part. it left quite a bit of clear slime around the old home. It has probably moved 4 inches in a 3 hour period. thanks for the posts and keep em coming with thoughts questions and advice. I appreciate it all!!
heres another pic
just found this article on my anenome, dont think its dying if you feel like it i posted the link, very interesting read, and i think this is what my anenome is doing. if you read it let me know what you think!!!
*Link Removed*


its defenutly a tube anenomie and there is no special lighting the darker the better ,all it looks like its doing to me is rebuilding its tube probably didnt have one when you got it and if you see alot of slime around it thats normal when trying to rebuilt the tube,ive had one for about a year know and have went threw this at first.......
here is a picture of mine...and if any fish come up missing he will be the first culperet......make sure to keep him feed very well



Originally Posted by goingpoor
its defenutly a tube anenomie and there is no special lighting the darker the better ,all it looks like its doing to me is rebuilding its tube probably didnt have one when you got it and if you see alot of slime around it thats normal when trying to rebuilt the tube,ive had one for about a year know and have went threw this at first.......
here is a picture of mine...and if any fish come up missing he will be the first culperet......make sure to keep him feed very well

I agree with this. Tube Anemone cannot move and cannot bleach. Have you been spot feeding it?
yeah im pretty sure thats what is happening.... In your experiance with this how long does this process take and will he eat during this process, because I usually feed him shrimp every other day, and he hasnt ate in 3 days now!!! And is there anything I can do to help this process.... in the article it said to put the arm under the sand???