is this any good


72 inch coralife deluxe lunar series fixture
2 96 watt true actinic 03 blue compact flouresent lamps
2 96 watt 10,000k day light compact flouresent lamps
6 3/4 watt lunar blue moon glow


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Over what size tank? What are you looking to keep?
150 gallon tank long 72 x 18 x 16 for now just live rock and fish but maybe in the future i will start a reef tank


Active Member
You won't be able to do much of a reef tank at all with that lighting. However, it will be fine for a tank with just live rock and fish in it.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You won't be able to do much of a reef tank at all with that lighting. However, it will be fine for a tank with just live rock and fish in it.
ok thank u


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You won't be able to do much of a reef tank at all with that lighting. However, it will be fine for a tank with just live rock and fish in it.
I disagree. You'll be able to keep a lot of soft corals.