I am new to reef keeping so I have never seen aptasia and the pictures I've seen kind of make me wonder. Whatever it is, it is very small. I would say about 1/2 inch and looks like cotton threads like from a sock.
Looks like the starts. I will grow pretty quick, but for reference, here is a GOOD picture for you. My peppermint shrimp are going to love me for this !!!
(IGNORE THE SLIME, it not there anymore)
tANGmAN99, What you have is some kind of fiberous songe growth. The rock is very new I guess. This is not a problem. Either it will live or it wont. Good luck anyway.
I don't think it is aiptasia. This stuff looks too white to me (and I have seen it on my LR as well). Even my smallest aiptasias have a little bit of brown in them. But like Mike said, you will know in a month for sure.
Not aiptasia. I have those all over areas of my live rock and I have reached the point that I can smell aiptasia in the tank
They are most likely a form of foraminiferan (single celled harmless protozoans).
Wow!I was going to post,asking what the same stuff was.It is all over the back sides of my rock.It just appeared over the last couple of months or so.I have'nt noticed anything eating it as of yet.
the pic is a little fuzzy, but I am going ot agree with frank here, looks an awful lot like forams. Good things tohave and nothing to wrry about.
Definitely not aptaisia