Is this aptasia?


I have 4 different things in my tank that I think might be aptasia, can someone help to confirm this?


There are a group of these. Light brown bottom and bright red on top. I think this might not be aptasia.


#'s 1 and 2 possibly aiptasia
#'s 3 and 4 possible glass anemone
But don't quote me on that.
I'm on my old computer, and resolution on it is terrible.


Active Member
numbers 2 and 3 are aptasia . . . numbers 1 and 4 might not be. 4 could be some sort of coral polyp based on the lighter colored ring.


Active Member
Glass anenome and aiptasia are the same thing. The pictures aren't great but I think 2, 3, and 4 are aiptasia. Could you get a clearer pic?


I'll work on a clearer pic.
Here's a little behavior:
#1 color fades after the lights go out (vary pale brown instead of the bright red in the pic)
#2 & #3 are stationary, not moving at atll and not closing after dark. Think 'cactus'.
#4 moves it's head a bit during the day, but doesn't seem to move its base. At dark it completely retreats. This morning I couldn't find it, but after turning on the lights it was in the same place as yesterday.


What are those little things that are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Inbeded in LR. Ther look like the top of the birdy in a badmitten game. I always called them a glass anemone. Slightest thing,,, and they retract...?
A polyp?


Active Member
not sure about 2 and 3, but after the description of number 4 I would have to say it is definately aiptasia. IMO of course.



Originally posted by Tagg
What are those little things that are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Inbeded in LR. Ther look like the top of the birdy in a badmitten game. I always called them a glass anemone. Slightest thing,,, and they retract...?
A polyp?

Excellent description (top of birdy)! I found the same thing on a piece of Tonga rock and was trying to find a way to describe it.
Mine is small, maybe 1/4 inch, and clear. It has what looks like tiny white star bursts on the end of each strand/tentacle.
I took apart a jewelers lamp, so I could get the large magnifying lens from it, but still can only barely see the tips.
It retracts very fast into its hole when disturbed.
It is way too small for me to take a picture of it.
Please post a message (or a picture) if you find out what it is.


I got a Peppermint Shrimp from LFS and #2 dissappeared within 12 hours. I guess if the Peppermint says it aptasia, it must be.
#1 is definitely a Red Button Polyp based on opinions of this board & deeper research on the net.
#3 & #4 still exist and are probably not aptasia, but I think the jury is still out. The Peppermint doesn't seem interested.
The peppermint at first examined the entire tank, scouring every rock and crevice. Next morning she was nowhere to be found, but came out briefly during feeding. This pattern has repeated itself now where she's not visible anytime except feeding. I did see her eat a piece of food that reached the bottom so I believe everything is ok with her, but it's a little dissapointing that she hides so much.
I wonder what the crab (whom is also very reclusive) & shrimp think of each other. The Tomato Clowns at first noticed, but now aren't interested in the slightest in her.
Thanks to all for the above identifications.