Is this as good a deal for lighting as it sounds??


I have a 75g Oceanic tank with PCs on it now, and I've been planning to upgrade. I was planning to go with T5s (most likely 4X54 W Current USA Nova Extreme- has individual reflectors). Then I saw this:
"442 watt metal halide / Power compact light fixture. 250 wall double ended MH with 2x96 watt power compacts. Also has a built in fan and 8 LED moonlights. Fixture is about 1 year old and purchased from aqua deal. It has a 14k phoenix MH bulb with about 8 months use in it. I also have an old 10k bulb i can throw in as well. Seperate switches / plugs for all lights / fan.
Fixture measures 35" x 15" x 3" (length, width, height). This fixture works perfectly and has been great for me."
So all you lighting experts
, what's your take?? I only have a few mushroom frags right now, and I wasn't planning on SPS.. just some LPS and softies.
I know MH generates more heat, are they less energy efficient also?
And price upkeep- these MH are $175, the T5s I found are about $250 new, with shipping. I know t5 bulbs last about a year and are pretty reasonable to replace. What about MH?
And with either fixture, can I keep my glass tops on? Right now, my PCs just lie on my glass tops which helps out the heaters and muffles the sound of the overflow.


For the MH fixture described, $175. But I'm guessing I'll have to replace the bulb (about 8 months old). And I want to factor in a rough estimate of energy costs.


Active Member
That's a very good deal then! You gotta figure another $80 for a new bulb, and maybe another $40 for new PCs. So the real cost is $295. Still, you are saving about $300-$400 on the light fixture by buying it used.


It sounded like it was pretty good... Is it ok to have a single 250 w MH bulb for the tank?
Also, how would this compare energy consumption-wise with T5s? And how long does a MH bulb last compared with T5?
And what about my glass tops- can I keep them with either fixture, or am I going to have to do egg crate and learn to deal with the sound of the overflow?
Sorry for so many questions, but thanks for the quick responses!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a sweet deal to me!
I just upgraded to MH lighting myself, and as I did my homework on them I learned that glass tops with MH lighting may cause a greenhouse effect and super heat the tank.
So I removed my glass except just below the MH bulbs to protect from moisture, and added eggcrate to prevent the fish from jumping.
I can hear the water movement more now, however I have already gotten used to it and it is no more trouble than "white noise" you learn to ignore. My water does evaporate faster. So I top off more often.
I am looking forward to being able to get any kind of coral I want. No more deep sighs saying, not for my setup.


Thanks Flower! I don't think I'd mind the sound of the water in the tank.. it's just my boyfriend who I'm trying live with
I'm trying to prove that he'll hardly notice it- no sound, no huge bills that come with it, no extra work for him.
Sorry to sound like a broken record, but can someone tell me about energy usage of MH? Will my electric bill shoot through the roof as compared with T5s?
And can t5s rest on a glass top? Or do they need to be mounted/suspended and use egg crate to keep the fish in?


Well-Known Member
I know T5s can rest on the glass top, mine did, and so did the power compacts with no problem. I had a T5 once upon a time. They don't last long. However technology has made them a little better now I hear.
Sorry I can't help on bill info, I just upgraded to MH so my bill hasn't come yet. My bill seemed normal with the T5 and power compacts. MH lighting stuff looks scary for power usage though.


Active Member
It only has one 250?
442 watts vs 216w or if you went 6x54w T-5 324w. You will still use less than the MH. Now will you see a huge difference in your bill? Don't know?

naclh2o nut

One 250 watt M/H should use electric than 4 60 watt house bulbs. So turn off the three bulb light in the LR and now you just added one 60 watt bulb.
Note; with the M/H you will not need any more light the room.

In my house the cost of the eclectric bill is not the expense- It is the ....................... NEW CORALS that I now can keep!