Is this bad? Is my frogspawn molting or dieing?


Nothing has changed with my tank and everything else seems to be doing just fine. The frogspawn has always seemed to be really healthy. Help!
Here are the before and after pics.
is it normal for a coral to molt?



Active Member
Originally Posted by DRIZCOL
Nothing has changed with my tank and everything else seems to be doing just fine. The frogspawn has always seemed to be really healthy. Help!
Here are the before and after pics.
is it normal for a coral to molt?

sorry but i think its dead :[ i see you have a leather right next to it. do you run carbon? there might have been a lot of chemicals being produced from the coral and maybe killed the frogspawn. first picture shows the frogspawn already fading from the green tips to brown


Originally Posted by DRIZCOL
Nothing has changed with my tank and everything else seems to be doing just fine. The frogspawn has always seemed to be really healthy. Help!
Here are the before and after pics.
is it normal for a coral to molt?
I to ahvce had the same issue with my frogspawn. Looked like it melted in the tank then it vanished into the water. Sorry about your frogspawn but its a goner.


The color is not correct on the camera. The color was green and purple. It was not brown. Its been that way for over a year. I can still see that there are green tips. Is there anything that I can try to save it? should I suck up all that flowy looking stuff?
I would like to save even a portion of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DRIZCOL
The color is not correct on the camera. The color was green and purple. It was not brown. Its been that way for over a year. I can still see that there are green tips. Is there anything that I can try to save it? should I suck up all that flowy looking stuff?
I would like to save even a portion of it.
usually once it has the brown stuff that means its an infection, even if you do see that theres something there more than likely its not going to make it. if one head was not affected by the infection then you could have saved it by fragging it


Originally Posted by nietzsche
usually once it has the brown stuff that means its an infection, even if you do see that theres something there more than likely its not going to make it. if one head was not affected by the infection then you could have saved it by fragging it
I have never tried to frag anything before. Is it a matter of just braking one of the heads off at the base? is there anything I should be cautious of? I might was well try something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DRIZCOL
I have never tried to frag anything before. Is it a matter of just braking one of the heads off at the base? is there anything I should be cautious of? I might was well try something.
i dont know about fragging LPS. you should try to do a search on a thread by reefkprz. i think it has to be a certain length before you frag it. you could try to suck out the brown stuff with a turkey baster and hope for the best, but in my experience it never makes it through :[


Originally Posted by nietzsche
i dont know about fragging LPS. you should try to do a search on a thread by reefkprz. i think it has to be a certain length before you frag it. you could try to suck out the brown stuff with a turkey baster and hope for the best, but in my experience it never makes it through :[

Thanks for all your help!!


Yep its pretty much a goner. I used a turkey baster to suck up brown crap and it suck out tons of dead material. There are only 2 that are not completely gone and Im pretty sure they are on their way out. :( This really bums me out. I took for ever to get that piece of frogspawn out of the LFS not for sale display tank. I got it as a small frag. Im really going to miss it. Its defiantly my fav coral. I cant believe how fast it was completely gone. 1 day and that was it.
Thanks again for the help.