is this best deal?


One LFS here has a deal. 50lb mix and match between Tonga, fiji and aquacultured rock for $189.
one cannot go more than 30lbs and you can choose anysize you want. Would like to know which would be the best combination for a buy.


I would go with the deal from your LFS, It cost me a HELLUVA lot more than that to get 50lbs of rock in my tank, and I have heard good things about aquaculture rock. The tonga rock is neat looking and I have heard it is great to top off your tank. I have heard that if you order rock y0ou will have to cure it again, which sounds kinda like a pain in the butt.


for a mix &'s a pretty good deal; especially from a LFS; I'd get mostly the Tonga being it tends to go for more & has more color to it generally...but will come down to what you think suits your idea/look for your tank
Sounds like a great deal to me. You will get internet prices and be able to hand pick cured rock the size and shapes you want. $3.78 a lb is a good price too.I wouldn't wait too will be gone at that price.


Thanks for all the reply. I went for a 35lb tonga and 15lbs fiji deal. They are really nice pieces. Since I like picking up my pieces I never order online. Now my 75gal has 35lbs tonga, 65lbs fiji, 30lbs marshall and around 15lbs of marshall small pieces (4") as baserock.