Is this big enough?


Is a 105 gallon big enough for a russels lion, a picasso triggerfish, a foxface rabbitfish, a snowflake eel, a dogface puffer, and possibly a majestic angel and a niger triggerfish?


Active Member
That would work, when you first put them in and they are still small, the tank will look "empty" and you may be tempted to add more...
When/as the fish reach full size you will see you tank "shrinking" and your bioload "increasing"
With GOOD Filtration /Skimmer and Mal nutrient export you should be able to keep this group for a long time...
You may want to rethink the Angel (water quality issues) and "may" have trouble with the Dogface nipping the lions Fins...
By the way...
WELCOME to the SWF Boards...nickfish...:jumping:


Active Member
They "tend" to be less prone to nipping...
I have one in with my PV Lion as well as the two Triggers you mentioned...


Active Member
That's a 4 1/2" Maroon Clown...
Believe me, He can hold his own...:eek:
I wouldn't try it with a 2" Perc though..They just don't have the Attitude...


Active Member
Lions use their spines for "defensive" purposes only...YOU are more likely to get stung than a non-aggressive Puffer...
Puffer's "may" nip at the lions fins out of curiosity, boredom or hunger (all of which can be dealt with) and as stated eariler...
"Porkys are "Less Prone" to nipping than other species..."


Active Member
I have stated before that if your not "aware of" or "prepared to deal with" aggressive issues and are afraid that one fish may "harm" another...
Then you should stick to Angels and Damsels...
No, Wait...Those fish are "known" to terrorize, attack and Kill other fish TOO...:eek:


Yea, porkies are quite chill, but u need to monitor their diet as they get oder, cuz if u keep feeding them the same amount of food for a while, they will begin to grow more in appetite, but not be satisfied, thus...angry porky. A lion has the spines so it wont be swallowed by other larger fish, but there is still the posibility of another larger taking it headfirst, and the spines just fold backwards. And as I look at yer list, u also want triggers. Puffers and triggers are my caution rule with lions. Puffers/triggers get along, but they both have the nipping factor. Id say ditch the lion, get the triggers and puffer and u will have more options with fish. Its tough to find other fish compatbile with lions, but might I suggest a harlequin tusk in the lions place? They're great fish...


Active Member

Originally posted by nickfish
What fish are in the tank right now?

Picture is "above"...
Plus a Crocadile fish you can't see, an "ambush predator" living in the sand bed...He's about 10"...