is this blasto a lil wierd or what


Active Member
i got this blasto and it has 3 mouths in it.... its one huge one then one lil one in the middle then anotehr medium sized one on the other side.... have u guys seen one like this before its like a scrolling blasto kinda like how open brains are


New Member
I have a seen many blasto's with a similar shape at the LFS. I believe it is trying to split, making 2 polyps. Just a guess.

jam marine

murph,not sure if i have told you,but i really like what you are doing with the new tank,you always seem to get some really nice pieces,including that new blasto


Active Member
thanks jam marine its coming along im just tryin to go more sps im guna add more rock soon and then go from there i really want nice sps up high and the some very colorful lps down low like blastos and acans they really color up a tank...
give it another 6 months and it should be awesome :happyfish


Active Member
Neat blasto Murph! You're 180 is really comin' along nicely. I'm quite the jealous teenager!
Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread, but I really like your dwarf lion. I know he's not okay with shrimps and stuff, but what about small fish? Like dottybacks, and mandarins, and anthias, and what not?


Active Member
hey there thanks
well hes never ate my shrimp but i only have one large cleaner...
he has however eaten 2 new fish recently which were a pearly jaw fish and a cleaner wrasse of some sort both were long and skinny
its wierd he doesnt eat my anthias or my clowns or any other fish but i think its new fish he thinks its feeding time when i drop them in so now i try to feed him first before i add a new fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
hey there thanks
well hes never ate my shrimp but i only have one large cleaner...
he has however eaten 2 new fish recently which were a pearly jaw fish and a cleaner wrasse of some sort both were long and skinny
its wierd he doesnt eat my anthias or my clowns or any other fish but i think its new fish he thinks its feeding time when i drop them in so now i try to feed him first before i add a new fish
So you think it would be best to add him last then?


Emp, to be honest... even if you were to have the lion as the last fish to add in your tank, it really wouldn't make a big differnece in most circumstances, IMO. There's always a great possibility that a lion will consume almost anything it can fit into its mouth...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 120reefer
Emp, to be honest... even if you were to have the lion as the last fish to add in your tank, it really wouldn't make a big differnece in most circumstances, IMO. There's always a great possibility that a lion will consume almost anything it can fit into its mouth...

Alrighty, thanks for the input. I'll scratch him off the list...


Whoa Emp, just because they do that doesnt mean you can't have one. Fuzzy's don't get that big at all, as long as you pick out fish similar size in the beginning, that have a similar mature size as well... it is VERY possible. Plus i would hate to see you not choose a fish after just 1 persons opinion, remember... there are exeptions to every rule! Heck just look at Murph for instance, his fuzzy doesn't even touch his anthias or clowns