Is this Candycane open?


Active Member
Hi, got this from my LFS on Monday. Does it look to be open to you? It does not look as "puffy" as others that I have seen.
Note that this morning (before the lights came on) I saw a bunch of "hair" coming off the polyps that I assume are feeder tenticles.


Active Member
It has good flow and has good light. I have it situated in the top 1/3 of the tank with a 295gph powerhead (with a Hydor Flo attachement) 8 inches away from it.
I got some cyclopeese (sp?) for my corals. How often should I feed it?
Also, I have some mushrooms. Do they take spot feeding?
Another Q, I have branching hammer coral. I have never seen it send out a feeder tenticle. Does it take feeding?
Finally, My LFS said to spot feed the coral in the morning before the lights go on. Is that good for all of the above corals?
Thanks, John

bang guy

CandyCane will do better with larger food but CyclopEeze with be adequate. If you feed the fish first, the corals will extend feeding tentacles a few minutes after they detect the food in the water. That's the best time to feed them. Mine get food in the evening. If I'm trying to grow a coral out I'll target feed it a large amount of food everyday, if not then every 2 or 3 days and less food.


Active Member
mine only extend the feeding tentacles only after the light is off. they will expand during the day to absorb the most light.


Active Member
Great, thanks.
On the branching hammer coral, what do the feeder tenticles look like?