Is this Cruel???


that is pretty cool.
i have africans cichlids, for them you add this stuff called lake salt. but its only a tea spoon for every 10 gallons. so salinty is hardly anything at all.
i know south american cichlids are very hardy, but that is still weird.


Active Member
before i started doing saltwater i had africans for yeeeeeeearsss ...loved them...but holycow thats freaking WERID.
i want to see more pictures.


Originally Posted by fish_nooob
I'm almost sure thats a peacock cichlid, theyll grow to 2 feet in length. Pretty cool, never saw or heard of that.

I had a pair breeding they are known as red terrors, I had mine for over a yr and they were approx 10 - 12 inches long. I had Chiclids before upgrading into salt. Their water had a PH of 8.3, just like my salt tank but no where near as difficult to maintain.
The LFS has 2 chiclids approx 18" long and 8 - 10" tall they are monsters, also the NC zoo has a bunch of different types of chiclids in with their hippos. They are ver aggressive and do get large if they have the room.


In the picture posted 11:11 A.M. today. The Humu on top, African Chilid in middle...what is on the bottom?
I'm just curious?


Originally Posted by Filter
In the picture posted 11:11 A.M. today. The Humu on top, African Chilid in middle...what is on the bottom?
I'm just curious?

looks like a powerhead covered in crap


nice butterkferi, i had one for about 8 yrs, he was a mean monster. about the size of yours. could not keep anything with him


Originally Posted by psufan43
nice butterkferi, i had one for about 8 yrs, he was a mean monster. about the size of yours. could not keep anything with him

When I took down my tank in 01 they were so big I had to use 2 nets and a 32 oz cup to scoop them out. My terrors and butterkferi were huge...

I had to redo the tank about once a month rock and plant wise because they would always dig & push things over chasing one another when the terrors were laying eyes


Active Member
Not to be rude by any means, but WOW i forgot how UGLY Africans(fish, not people) are compared to saltwaterfish. I'm glad i made the change :)


Active Member
Well, South American cichlids tend not to be quite as attractive (though they have more interesting personalities...much like saltwater aggressives), IMO. But African cichlids are actually very nice looking fish in general. Lots of color, hardy, easy to breed....


Cichlids (in general) are not brackish fish....african cichlids commonly have cichlid salts added to their water but it isn't the same formula as marine salt. SA cichlids that live in rivers may on occasion go into the mouth of the river but they are thought to go there because they have parasites that cannot withstand the change of chemistry or because the fish wants to migrate to another river. There is a cichlid that lives almost exclusively in salt/brackish conditions but I have forgotten the name and the fish in the pics is not it.....
About a year or so ago, in FAMA magazine was an article about this guy who wanted to put freshwater cichlids into a salt tank. I don't know why he wanted to do this as let's face it, they aren't that great looking compared to salt. I guess he just had to prove something. To make a long story short, he ended up killing a couple of dozen fish trying this before he ended up with one fish that managed to live through the process. The fish lived for a couple of years then he tired of it and tried to sell it to a LFS. None of them wanted it...go figure....who would want a saltwater cichlid???
Oh, and he had pics of various types of cichlids that he tried...took them before they died and they looked like crap. Midas cichlids all washed out....convicts cowering in the corners....jack dempseys pale as can be......
IMO I think it is cruel. Like taking a saltwater fish and forcing it to live in fresh. Sure it may survive for a time but it will live a much shortened life. The only reason the cichlid may live longer is that like most freshwater fish they are used to some change in their environment so their ability to adapt is greater. If you were to put the fish back into freshwater, you will have to do a very slow change. It will take days to do this and even then it may still die from the shock.
Ah, remembered the name of the cichlid that lives in brackish/salt water. Orange chromide.


Active Member
see i looove my aggressive fish, there so funny watch..they all have there own personalities...etc.. :)