Is this dead?????


:help: Please help my BTA is looking pretty sad. does this mean it is dead?? Or is it about to?? I also had a sebae in there and flushed it yesterday because it was upside down in my sand and not opening when I turned on the lights. I am not sure if the BTA moved around and they poisoned each other. Anyway the first picture is of the Bubble tip and the 2nd one is my tank. I have checked the water and it is fine. The only thing I am having problems with is the temperature lately. My heater is not keeping it at a constant temp no matter what I do. I need to get a new one and soon. Thanks for your help. Elise



really?? What a bummer. I have had this up and running since for 4 months now and was told by the LFS that it was OK. I guess that is what I get for listening to them. It was looking ok, except for the little incident when it moved and got sucked up into my intake filter, but it was surviving fine. Just all of a sudden it looks awful. Boo Hoo.


I had an anemone shortly after my cycle was finished and had no problems. It's definatly not dead, just looks sad. Give it a while or qt it. Don't flush it.


Thanks, I wasn't sure what to do with it. like I said, I just don't want it to kill anything else. I really don't want to flush my $40 for this down the drain either though.


If it's still attached it's not dead. What we need now are your water parameters. Specific number too. Not just mmm Ammonia is fine bla bla. And also we need to know what lighting you have over the tank.


ok, my lighting is 2x96 watt power compact. I just tested my water and my ammonia is at .25 I think. The saltwater master test kit is hard to read, it is somewhere between 0 and .25. My PH is 8.3, nitrates and nitrites both 0.


What size tank is it. Your lights probably aren't intense enough and the fact that your ammonia isn't 0 is not helping any. 4 months is a little young for an anemone, 6 months is usually the point that you could add one if everything has been running smoothly. Have you tried feeding the anemone? and I think I can see a film on top of your water, but with the blue glare at the top I can't be sure. What kind of filtration are you running? and what is the temp?


it is a 46g bowfront. Yes, everything has been running smoothly. I have fed the anemone with some frozen shrimp preperations. Everyday I feed the fish a mixture of frozen shrimp including spirulina, omega 3, emerald entree yada yada yada. No there is no film on the top. I have a canister filter a cascade 1200 by Pennplex and a sea clone skimmer. My cascade has 2 drawers of aqua chargers, carbon, bio sponge and filter floss and we clean it every other week. My temp is between 79-82. It does vary. I was told by numerous people that the lights were enough since it is 3 watts per gallon. I am a little upset about the amonia going up and I will be babying the tank again as I did in the beginning. I do water changes of 10% every other week between cleaning the filter. I also use R/o water for top offs and catalina water from the LFS for all of my water changes.


Active Member
well 3 watts per gallon really isnt enought. But thats what i think. And your tank temp to vary that much isnt that good and with ur tank going up and down with ammonia isnt a good thing it needs to be at 0. Has anything died in ur tank in the past week? do you have any dead snails or anything? How much do you feed with over feeding could raise the level up a little.


Nothing has died that I know of, I am not sure if my sebae was dead, it did look it so I took it out right away. I don't think that I have any dead snails. I feed a little bit of flake in the morning and then a little frozen concotion in the afternoon.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
well 3 watts per gallon really isnt enough

thats wrong.... 192w divided by 46 gallons would equal 4.17 wpg


sorry everyone, I failed my anenome. I had to take it out, it's mouth was inside out and it was really slimey.
I am not sure if I did the right thing or not, but I think this was disentegrating so that is why my amonia may be up. Maybe I will try again in a few months.


Well at least you will learn from your mistakes. When you get an anemone only get one. And make sure there are no cuts or anything on its foot while it's at the store. Make sure it looks healthy and try not to take it out of the water. These animals have thin membranes and the pressure of being taken out of the water could make their membranes rupture which is bad. They have no skeleton of any sort which makes them fragile. So be sure to handle them with care. And cover the intakes on your appliances so they don't get sucked in. I'm sure getting sucked into the power head was the beginning of the end for your BTA.