is this enough light?



i have 175 watts of pc lighting.would this be enough for the following corals?
1. frogspawn
2. candy cane coral
3. green striped mushroom coral
4. torch coral
i got 110 watts of actinic pc lighting and a 65 watt smartlight with a 50/50 bulb. any help would be appreciated!


Actually you have very little...because you have 110 watts of actinic, and only a 65 watt bulb thats 50/ its like you only have 30 watts of 10,000K.
But if its only for your 10 gallon then I guess thats enough, or, you could switch the 65 watt to a full 10,000 K bulb.


Active Member
Yea, switching one to a 10,000k is a good idea. But actinics don't have that much less par (i think that is what it is called) than 10,000k's, do they?


my time in this hobby has taught me a few things. light is one of them.
light is like engine horsepower, you can almost never have too much.
or like my dad says too much is almost enough lol.
if you dont mind the question. why only a ten gallon tank? i mean the tank is the cheapest part of the hobby usually and obviously you have some money. A 165 pc light is around 120-150 bucks. i only paid 79 bucks for my 55 gal. dont take this question the wrong way i was just curious why people do such small sw tanks. i have a 10 gal fresh but its in my 3 yr olds room that she tries to take care of.


Well with a 10g tank you can fit it in places other tanks can't. Also the bigger the tank means the bigger and more expensive all the rest of the accesories to go with it.


i agree with clown_nut, smaller tanks are somewhat cheaper to keep. all i have going right now is my 20 long tank. i have a 75 reef ready with stand canopy and 2x110 watt plus 2x250 watt mh. i have been slowly putting together. i stll can not set it up because i do not have all the equipment and it will be a while till i set it up because i do not have the money i need to buy the rest of the equipment. i want to make sure that i set it up right with the right equipment. so in the mean time i am really enjoying me 20g long.
am3gross20 i agree with changing the 65 watt to a 10k. just remember if you want to change the lights on the 110 you would want to get either 2 50/50 or 10k. you cant use 2 diffrent types of bulbs on the 110 because you will see one side blue and the other side white.hth


i was also thinking that you could get 2 10k in the 110 and just supplement actinics 03 with the 65 watt light. just a thought.


i have upgraded to a 20 long also. i did that some time ago. i appreciate all your opinions and will change the lights tonight. i will go with the the two 50/50 and one actinic.


Should be enough for the 10 gal. Man, you might even run into some heat issues. Make sure the corals are placed so that they won't sting each other.