Is this equipt. sufficient for my reef??


Hi! Ive always had a fish only tank, but have been starting up a reef over the past year. This is what I have, does it sound ok to you guys? Or what would you suggest??Any advice appreciated!!
Tank size 55 gallon
Millenium 2000 filter
Skilter 250 filter + protein skimmer combo(Ive been seeing bad review on these??)
1 small powerhead
220 watt pc
lunar lights
75 lb LR ( I know I need a little more, tryin to find some nice stuff)
1 clown
1 blue damsel
1 Naso Tang
1 Hawaiin Puffer
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 Royal gramma
3 curly q anemones ( 1 is splitting..yeh!)
1 tube anemone
red shrooms
yellow polyps
1 leather frag
button polyps
I add a capful of calcium daily, feed coralife invert gumbo twice a week, twice week Reef Plus vitamen and amino acid supplement. I keep my temp on 79 and salinity around .24 , 30% water change and filter once a month. To gravel wash or not???Im getting conflicting answers from 2 LFS. I would LOVE some advice from you pro's!!!! Thanks!!!!!! :cheer:


Active Member
I would do 15 gallon water changes every other week so you can stop dosing everything but calcium and buffer if needed. Ditch the skilter unless it actually skims and place another small powerhead on the opposite end of the tank as the other powerhead. I f you ditch the skilter then a seaclone with a few modifications works great for a 55 gallon tank. Get rid of the millenium filter if you want. Your lighting is fine for most corals and whatever you do, do not add anymore fish. With your bioload as high as it is now I would find it hard to believe that you will be able to keep Nitrates down to a reasonable level.
I would run
2-maxijet 900 powerheads
seaclone 100 skimmer
biweekly 15 gallon water changes due to the really high bioload.
run the millenium filter every month or so for a day or 2 with a filter pad and some charcoal to polish the water.


Thanks for that advice--This is the first skimmer i have ever had, it does skim, i wonder if it is skimming enough??How do you tell? Im thinking of trading at least the naso in, I didnt know when I got it that it was suppose to get as big as what Im reading--or heck, maybe I should just go get a bigger'll go get another power head tomorrow.


Active Member
As long as it is skimming then I would keep it. I would remove the Millenium filter and every month for a few days run a filter pad and some magnum charcoal to polish the water. I would definately get rid of the naso. Don't take the fish back to the store. See if a hobbiest from the board will give you a few bucks and put the fish in a prope size tank. The store will just sell him to the next custumer with a 55 of even smaller tank.