Hi! Ive always had a fish only tank, but have been starting up a reef over the past year. This is what I have, does it sound ok to you guys? Or what would you suggest??Any advice appreciated!!
Tank size 55 gallon
Millenium 2000 filter
Skilter 250 filter + protein skimmer combo(Ive been seeing bad review on these??)
1 small powerhead
220 watt pc
lunar lights
75 lb LR ( I know I need a little more, tryin to find some nice stuff)
1 clown
1 blue damsel
1 Naso Tang
1 Hawaiin Puffer
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 Royal gramma
3 curly q anemones ( 1 is splitting..yeh!)
1 tube anemone
red shrooms
yellow polyps
1 leather frag
button polyps
I add a capful of calcium daily, feed coralife invert gumbo twice a week, twice week Reef Plus vitamen and amino acid supplement. I keep my temp on 79 and salinity around .24 , 30% water change and filter once a month. To gravel wash or not???Im getting conflicting answers from 2 LFS. I would LOVE some advice from you pro's!!!! Thanks!!!!!! :cheer:
Tank size 55 gallon
Millenium 2000 filter
Skilter 250 filter + protein skimmer combo(Ive been seeing bad review on these??)
1 small powerhead
220 watt pc
lunar lights
75 lb LR ( I know I need a little more, tryin to find some nice stuff)
1 clown
1 blue damsel
1 Naso Tang
1 Hawaiin Puffer
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 Royal gramma
3 curly q anemones ( 1 is splitting..yeh!)
1 tube anemone
red shrooms
yellow polyps
1 leather frag
button polyps
I add a capful of calcium daily, feed coralife invert gumbo twice a week, twice week Reef Plus vitamen and amino acid supplement. I keep my temp on 79 and salinity around .24 , 30% water change and filter once a month. To gravel wash or not???Im getting conflicting answers from 2 LFS. I would LOVE some advice from you pro's!!!! Thanks!!!!!! :cheer: