Is this even a peppermint shrimp?


My pepermint shrimp is a bugger, he eats my anemones, and now he's pluvking at my Electrice Flame Scallop...I noticed that there is another shrimp just like it called a camel shrimp, that eats corals, and i looked and tried to figure it out but can't. I'm on my way to catching the shrimp and giving it a heave if I get it..It killed to many things (3 anemones, 1 Coral)


The camel has a noticable hump on its back. .What kind of anemones were they? The Pep shrimp is supposedly eats pests anemones. Ive read the pep. might eats polyps too though.The shrimp was probably stealing food from the scallop.


Ya, My Pep. Has a hump but both Pep. and CAmels have humps so I can't tell, I was feeding Phytoplankton to it about 30 minutes ago, so i don't think it was stealing food. It was a Bubble Tip Anemone and Long Tentical Anemone it ate


then those anemones must have been pretty small for it to eat them, ive only heard of peps eating pest anemones though not BTAs and LTAs


I can try if your up to wait forever, he isn't coming out like he use to, maybe when i tryed to catch him he ran


Active Member
Well, now that I think about it more, it wouldn't matter if it was a pep or camel shrimp anyways because it still eats your stuff. You can just give it to a LFS or a friend who wants it, but plz don't kill it.


Active Member
A peppermint shrimp(or a least mine) are mostly red, while a camelback has more defined white stripes with a more pronounced hump.


I"m thinking its a camel, Its red and white about 50-50, Non of my friends keep saltwater tanks...I so wish they did....And my LFS can barley keep fish alive so I'm left with one choice, to spend the rest of my summer catcing it and having popcorn shrimp, If anyone wants it they can pay shipping..Ain't promising its alive when it gets there but i'd do my best


Heres a pic of a peppermint. Couldnt find one of a camel, but the camel will have distinct bright, white stripes and a long "nose" that sort of sticks up.


If you really want to get rid of it, I can only offer some suggestions. When we had some they were definitely pigs, they would eat anything and everything. Not sure how your tank is set up, but ours would go out of its way to get to the food. Try using a turkey baster with some food in it (shrimp, mysis, whatever) and get it near the shrimp so it can smell it. It will probably go right to the opening and start to try and pull the food out unless it has a fear of the baster. If it does cling to the baster, you may be able to "sneak" up behind him with a net. There may even be a trap you could purchase, but I'm not to sure about it. What you want to do with it after that is up to you, but IMO you should give it to your LFS, heck, even a ***** for that matter. Good luck.


I caught HIM!!!!!!!!! The stupid bugger, I had to take out all my rockwork and put it back in, The rockwork is really crappy now but I caught that bugger, He's gunna get it
:jumping: :cheer: :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
Where are you in MA?
I'm in Brockton...Something has been eating my Pep shrimp..
If you're close by i'll come pick it up..
or If you want You can come feed it to my Red General Star :p