Is this fire worm to big?


Just wanted to know if he was getting to big for my tank? Don't get me wrong I love hitchikers but at the same time I think he is eating part of the cleaning crew. Please look at pics and tell me what you think.



Active Member
its pretty big i have small ones all over havent seen a big one like that but i dont think they are dangerous at that size so much but hey if u wanna toss it toss it...
whats that last thing looks like a underwater cricket lol


Originally Posted by murph145
its pretty big i have small ones all over havent seen a big one like that but i dont think they are dangerous at that size so much but hey if u wanna toss it toss it...
whats that last thing looks like a underwater cricket lol
The last pic is a crab who was still alive out of its shell walking around until my purple dottyback killed it.I think the fire worm got it out of it's shell and the pics tell the story.


Active Member
I don't see red frills above the bristles so I don't think it is the harmful species of bristleworm. Also look for a "beard" on the head region.... another trait of the harmful one. They also have a body that is flatter than the beneficial bristleworms.
If you know it is a beneficial one, I really wouldn't worry about it unless it got really big like a foot long; or you star noticing nibble marks on corals.


How long would you guesstimate he is? he doesnt look nearly big enough to worry about . I doubt he had anything to do with the hermit. Dont think they would mess with anything living except maybe some corals if hes REALLY big.


I would say he had 6" out of the rock when I took the picture but I've seen him bigger. I might just have to get a flashlight and do some watching. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by pcinmd
I would say he had 6" out of the rock when I took the picture but I've seen him bigger. I might just have to get a flashlight and do some watching. :thinking:
Make sure you aren't too hasty. No sense in removing a beneficial scavenger. These guys are like vacuums, devouring everything from poop to algae.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Make sure you aren't too hasty. No sense in removing a beneficial scavenger. These guys are like vacuums, devouring everything from poop to algae.
I'll keep a close eye on him see what happens before I do anything. I do have plenty of peanut worms, fire worms and other beneficial life in my tank so i'm not to worried. I also have a out breaK of feather dusters in my live sand. I counted 10 new ones today but still very tiny.


I hate these things. They give me the creeps. In the olden days, we killed them if we saw them-considred them a nuisance rather than a benefit. Ugly and they do eat-or bore into rocks and stony corals. you will see their enlarged holes filled with rock dust. Yours isnt in the sand-mine never is either-they are in the rocks because they like them-and I dont know about you, but I dont have any detritis or anything on my rock, but good stuff.
If he is a beneficial scavenger, then he should be down there in the 'dirt' scavenging, not makin holes in my rocks and maybe, just maybe the corals. I have one just like yours and I am camping out with a flashlight trying to snag him. He has ignored my worm trap and I think he is on to me because he stays real close to a hole to jump into when he sees me coming!