lady becca
I have a...
75g Acrylic Aquarium
Wet/Dry Filter From Aqua Clear, rated for a 125 tank
Protein Skimmer from Aqua Clear
70 lbs of Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea
75 lbs Bali Live Rock
1 Candy Cane Coral
2 Green Hairy Corals
1 Kenya Tree Coral
7 Mushrooms
1 Chaulk Bass
3 Oscellaris Clownfish
3 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
6 Snails
2 Black Sea Cucumbers
I know that I need to add snails...but how many more?
I want to add the following corals:
Pulsing Xenia
Favite (Moon coral)
Open Brain
Hammer coral
Torch Coral
I want to add the following Fish:
1 Lawnmower Blenney
1 Orange Diamond Goby
1 Purple Tang
1 clown goby???
And Possibly a star fish.
Any opinions on this list?? Any help is appreciated!
Thank you.
75g Acrylic Aquarium
Wet/Dry Filter From Aqua Clear, rated for a 125 tank
Protein Skimmer from Aqua Clear
70 lbs of Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea
75 lbs Bali Live Rock
1 Candy Cane Coral
2 Green Hairy Corals
1 Kenya Tree Coral
7 Mushrooms
1 Chaulk Bass
3 Oscellaris Clownfish
3 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
6 Snails
2 Black Sea Cucumbers
I know that I need to add snails...but how many more?
I want to add the following corals:
Pulsing Xenia
Favite (Moon coral)
Open Brain
Hammer coral
Torch Coral
I want to add the following Fish:
1 Lawnmower Blenney
1 Orange Diamond Goby
1 Purple Tang
1 clown goby???
And Possibly a star fish.
Any opinions on this list?? Any help is appreciated!
Thank you.