is this fish list ok ?


New Member
some time this year I will be setting up a 8x2x2 240G mixed reef(sps and lps).I just want to see if you guys think the following fish list is going to work.
yellow tang
blue tang
2 clowns
5 green chromis
royal gramma
bicolor dottyback
mystery wrasse
solar fairy wrasse
neon goby
algae blenny
thanks for any feedback


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shimbox http:///forum/thread/384062/is-this-fish-list-ok#post_3363284
some time this year I will be setting up a 8x2x2 240G mixed reef(sps and lps).I just want to see if you guys think the following fish list is going to work.
yellow tang
blue tang
2 clowns
5 green chromis
royal gramma
bicolor dottyback
mystery wrasse
solar fairy wrasse
neon goby
algae blenny
thanks for any feedback
The royal Gramma and bicolor dottyback will fight. I wouldn't get the blenny right away, wait until you have the algae to make it happy and fat. I never had a wrasse so I can't help you there.
The Royal Gramma and any dottyack will fight, they have the same body type..a bicolor looks so simular they will really get into it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by shimbox http:///forum/thread/384062/is-this-fish-list-ok#post_3363314
how would a flame angel go in a reef tank with sps and lps corals ?

Some dwarf angels are good with the coral and some will nip. It's sort of a try and see kind of thing. I would try it with a cheap frag of the coral in a QT, that way if it nips you will know before it destroys your prize specimens. I do know that sponges are food for them and they will over time eat a sponge, I actually kept a sponge for mine to nibble on.


our orchid dottyback and royal gramma are not the best of friends. The first orchid dottyback we had picked on the royal gramma horribly. After that one was eaten by the brittle star the replacement orchid dottyback is a wuss. Every once in a while I'll see the orchid chase the royal gramma briefly, but for the most part they leave each other alone. The royal gramma has a hiding spot in one of the rocks it stays in when the wrasse decides to show everyone he's the big tough fish in the tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MyLady http:///forum/thread/384062/is-this-fish-list-ok#post_3363323
our orchid dottyback and royal gramma are not the best of friends. The first orchid dottyback we had picked on the royal gramma horribly. After that one was eaten by the brittle star the replacement orchid dottyback is a wuss. Every once in a while I'll see the orchid chase the royal gramma briefly, but for the most part they leave each other alone. The royal gramma has a hiding spot in one of the rocks it stays in when the wrasse decides to show everyone he's the big tough fish in the tank.
Please don't take this the wrong way. I know in the ocean the big fish eat the little fish. That is life in the ocean. In out tanks we need to make sure our critters are happy and able to live in peace. The poor fish that spends it's life hiding is a shame. My orchid, I thought liked the rocks and was seldom seen except feeding time.
However after I got rid of my Sand sidting goby he is out all the time, poor little fish was afraid. The goby never bothered anything that I noticed. So if you see the orchid pick on the royal Gramma and it hides in a rock even from the wrasse...maybe the gramma is not so happy and you should ind it another home. I also hope you got rid of the fish eating brittle star.


Active Member
When the brittle star ate $80 worth of fish, it went back to the LFS faster than I can explain.
The gramma is out the majority of the time, prolly 90%. Its just in hiding when the McCroskers is being an @$$, every fish goes into hiding except the clowns and the PJs. I am waiting for the dwarf angel to go into the tank to see how those 2 will interact. I am hoping the dwarf will assert itself a little and the wrasse calms down some.
As far as the hiding spot, we have 1 rock that has 2 holes in it that go from top to bottom of the rock. Fish could swim all the way through the rock from top to bottom and vice versa. The gramma takes one of these spots as its home and sleeps in it. When the wrasse is being stoopid, the gramma goes to its home and hangs out there. Every once in a while it will poke its head out and you can see it bearing its teeth. As of now, no fish is in any danger from bullying, and all of them are out and about swimming around for about 90% to 95% of the time.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/384062/is-this-fish-list-ok#post_3363330
When the brittle star ate $80 worth of fish, it went back to the LFS faster than I can explain.
The gramma is out the majority of the time, prolly 90%. Its just in hiding when the McCroskers is being an @$$, every fish goes into hiding except the clowns and the PJs. I am waiting for the dwarf angel to go into the tank to see how those 2 will interact. I am hoping the dwarf will assert itself a little and the wrasse calms down some.
As far as the hiding spot, we have 1 rock that has 2 holes in it that go from top to bottom of the rock. Fish could swim all the way through the rock from top to bottom and vice versa. The gramma takes one of these spots as its home and sleeps in it. When the wrasse is being stoopid, the gramma goes to its home and hangs out there. Every once in a while it will poke its head out and you can see it bearing its teeth. As of now, no fish is in any danger from bullying, and all of them are out and about swimming around for about 90% to 95% of the time.

That is much different than what it sounded like the first time it was explained. Apologies for misunderstanding. My orchid was never seen except feeding time, I had no idea he felt bullied. I thought he liked the rocks, that is what my book said about them. Now he is out all the time. In every tank I have ever had, saltwater and fresh, there is a fish king, in mine it's the hippo tang. He is not a bully, but he is the biggest and the others just get out of the way and hide when he swims by.