Is This Fish Ok???


i just got a scooter blenny a few days ago and have him in my tank... and he seemed to be acting normal just skipping around from rock to rock and eating sand and all. but now he's just staying in my front left corner going up and down the tank constantly.... do you think anything is wrong with him or is he just having fun going up and down in the corner??? lol ... just kinda curious...

nm reef

Active Member
Provide information on tank size...other livestock...and how long has it been set up. Include water chenistry levels.


ok its a 55gal, 20gal sump, its been up for 5 months, i got 2 clown fish, 1 yellow watchmen goby, cleaner shrimp, and snails and crabs, i use RO/DI water, LS, 50-50lbs LR, levels are all good, and everthing seems normal exept how he's just going up and down


huh ive been feeding 2 different kinds of shrimp... like mysis and something else last night i feed algae


Active Member
Have you seen him eating any of the food you have given him? If not, then he will starve to death, most scooters eat only pods, and unless you have a fuge where pods can reproduce, you won't have enough pods in your system to keep your scooter alive, believe me, I found out the hard way


i do have a sump with LS,and LR... do u think if he starts to look skinny i should put him down in my sump so that he'll maybe it more or what??? i havent really watched him eat to much but cuz i thought the same, that he only eats pods and stuff like that


do you think maybe my tank isnt established enough for him??? do you think i should put him in my sump, cuz i know i have alot of "bugs" he would eat...


you may want to try that red candy bar. What I used to do is put a chunk about 1/2 the size of a dime in the sand frozen. It thaws and he would usually go over there and eat like a pig. Just pic a low flow spot in the tank and always put it in the same spot. Yes - you can train a fish.


i got a scooter blenny the other day,but before i bought him i asked him to let me see him eat and sure enough het went crazy he loves blood worms but im trying to get some pods reproducing now.


Active Member
That sounds like a normal scooter blenny behavior.
However, I would make sure you have plenty of pods for him to stay healthy until he begins to take frozen foods. Email me if you need a good, reliable, cheap website for pods.


Active Member
Mine wouldn't eat anything but pods, and I thought I had plenty, I didn't have a sump or fuge though, so maybe you will be ok, just keep trying different foods and see if you can get him to eat any of them.


well he seems to eat a little bit of frozen foods but not much and when i turned my lights on this morning he was eating around in some rocks and stuff....
i got a question for the people with scooter blennies... where do they go when you turn the lights off cuz i was trying to find mine and saw that he buried himself into the sand
i thought it was kinda cool