is this fish sick??


i got my brother two perc clown fish for his b day thursday well friday he called and said it had slimmy stuff on it almost like it was shedding or something and last night he said it had died and the other one is getting it to i checked the pics of dieased fish and didnt see anything on there that he was describing i checked water parem. thurs before i bought the fish everything was at 0 sg is 1.026 the tank has been up and cycling for two monthes and everything got to 0 i did a 25% water change and waited a little over a week before i rechecked the water and it was fine does anyone have any clues to what it could be i know its hard with no pics and i havent seen it myself but i am telling you all what he said i hope that someone will have a clue to what it is thanks in advance..


Staff member
Brooklynella. Very serious. The fish require immediate treatment. Please look in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, for the post on formalin bathes. That is the treatment.
There are also examples of this disease posted in the Diseased Fish Thread.


Staff member
It is a parasite, more commonly known as clownfish disease because it is mostly seen on clowns, but other fish can get it. It is normally passed on from fish to fish, so you will have to watch your other fish to see if they come down with it. It is a fish disease and does not effect inverts.


how long should he wait untill adding fish to his tank these were his first set of fish i read in another thread that about six weeks is this tthe case?