is this good lighting??


when i purchaced my tank i asked the lfs for a 50/50 lighting, he was out and suggested "coralife actinic actinic 03 -f40-t12 bp"is this good lighting or not? can i have anything besides fish with this lighting? any suggestions welcome, i do not know much about lighting choices. now i only have FOWLRLS but would like maybe to add some corals maybe.


Any light will do for a fish only tank. If wanting to do corals you best bet would be getting a ice cap 660 and wire up 4 URI VHO bulbs you get a decent selection on what type of corals you can keep with this settup. If leaning more towards SPS corals and clams go with 2X250watt metal halides and posibbly some actinic supliments.


sounds like a normal output bulb to me. Depending on the size of your tank you could at most have some low light stuff like mushrooms. also with just an actinic bulb your tank will be real blue as these bulbs are usually used to suplement a daylight 10k bulb.
The best thing to do is look for some cheap VHO lighting for your tank which would allow you to keep pretty much any soft coral, and most LPS depending on your tank size and dimensions.