Is this good or bad algae?


Can someone tell me if this is good or bad algae? My tank has been running since November 2002. Most of my rock is starting to turn light purple, but a bunch of it is turning this redish/maroon color. Is this bad algae? Thanks

nm reef

Active Member
There are reddish/maroon colored coraline algaes. Is yours hard to the touch like other coralines?What you have pictured may be some early stages of cyano bacteria...I'd suggest a search for info on cyano just in case.:cool:


this stuff is hard and is covering the rocks in a hard crust. I did some reading on Cyano(sp) and I do not know if that is my problem. I have never tested my water for phosphates, so maybe I should. I have great water movement and have never had any other algae problem. Lighting is ok: 260W Power Compacts and 3 48' VHO's
Does the Cyano crust over rocks?


Active Member
If it's hard, it's good! Cyano is slimey and is easily sucked up or disturbed. Looks to me like some very nice colored coraline. Congrats!