Is this good???



go with the biggest tank you can afford. take into consideration filling it with live rock, a quality skimmer, sand and space that you have to put it. the smaller the tank the less room there is for error.


Seahorses are suposed to be in species only tanks, or with pipefish I believe. They are very hard to take care of, and are hard to feed, I think they have to have newly hatched brine. And yes, go with the biggest tank you can afford, I learned the hard way! And I really wouldnt recomend seahorses. People here give a lot of help if you have questions about setting up your tank, so search some of the former posts and stuff and you will get alot of helpful info.


yeah seahorses and pipefish should only be kept together. Butif you were to get a clown fish the max you should get is 2 and those should be put in at the same time. But if this is you first tank i would reccomend just getting some damsels to start since there hardy and cheap. Plus they can survive when you try to get the right salt, nitrate etc levels. But then later if you wanted you could get a clownfish. But anyway good luck on the tank!