Is this Hitchhiker a squid? + Crab ID


I received these critters in my live rock this morning. The first is ?? a squid ?? The second is a crab and it's not a gorilla crab it's not hairy.
Anyone care to hazard guesses on these?



Active Member
the second is a porcelain crab, nice crab. they are fun to watch eat and are pretty. they are reef safe.
the first one, I don't know, but it does not look like a squid. looks like possibly a decorator crab. they are not reef safe.


I thought it was a decorator crab too, until I went to take it's picture. It has no claws, no shell and the eyes are not on stalks but attached to the head. Heck the head is just about everything but the "fringe" around him!


Active Member
my porcelain crab doesnt look like that, it has the same colors, but different claws.
and the first pic i think is some type of decorator crab.