Is this hlle?


New Member
Is this hlle? And what is the best way to treat? Also what are some good medications to have on hand in-case I run in to any other problems?:help:


Active Member
Looks like it. What are you feeding? Are you using supplements in your foods? Offering lots of greens? Can you post your water parameters?


Staff member
Yes, that is HLLE. What are all of your water readings, and do you have a grounding probe installed in your tank and sump?
What are you feeding your fish?


Is it a combination of water parameters and food that causes HLLE? I have a Sailfin Tang that has very small spots near its eyes from time to time and am afraid that maybe it may need something else in its diet. It has never progressed past barely noticable spots, but I have seen some bad cases of HLLE at the LFS and absolutely don't want that to happen to my fish. Currently I feed a variety of frozen foods and Formula One and Two Marine Pellet. I have been feeding Formula Two the most since it is supposed to be for herbivores and my tang eats most everything before the other fish have much of a chance. Luckily it can't consume all the thawed frozen food that I shoot around with a baster. Does anyone else have a tang that just doesn't want any other fish to eat ever by darting around the whole tank eating every scrap of food including bits sucked to powerheads?


what is a grounding probe? my yellow tang is showing some red blotches and he looks sunk in almost. this just started today


Active Member
lateral line disease:
this disease is suspected to be viral in origin
it begins at the head end of the lateral line system and may spread down along the body.the lines appear to have been gouged out.they may be infected with what are probably secondary invaders.ther is no known treatment.improvements in tank hygiene are said to be followed by the dissapearance of this disease in some cases.this disease developes may effect only a limited number of fish in the tank.However it is best to remove an infected indevidual.
this information was obtained from Dr Burgess ATLAS for marine fish aquariiums