Is this ich!??


I Am Not A Expert But I Would Say No. Ich Is More Like Little Tiny White Fleas On Fish. That To Me Looks Like A Beat Up Fish? It Is Really Hard To Tell Can You Post More Clear Pics? Plus Damsels Are Real Hardy And What Other Fish Do You Have In The Tank?


its a new tank just crabs snails and a watchman goby.. this damsel killed a smaller damsel.i tried getting a better pic but he wont hold still.. thanks for ur reply


maybe this pic is a little better. its a digital camera and it keeps focusing on the rocks or the glass instead of the fish. not to mention he hides evertime i get close with the camera.. im not sure if it will help and i dont think u can tell in the pic, but it looks like something is actually on the surface of his skin.. i wanna say it looks like cotton balls but i dont want to jump to conclusions. please reply


Staff member
He almost looks like he is getting head and lateral line disease. If you look at the pictures of sick fish in the Diseased Fish thread, you can see examples of ich, as well as HLLE.


it looks different today.. i kinda looks like a scratch or an injury like fedukeford said..but there isnt anything in the tank to hurt him.. i has to be self-enflicted.. i donno though im new at this. how do fish get these diseases?
thank you for ur replies.


here are some picture from today... he doesnt act sick at all.. he seems happy and he moves all about the tank, near impossible to take his picture, and hes eating healthy. if it is ust a scratch will he heal on his own. he only has it on one side. i dont have access to a qt.


what could be picking on him?? hes the only damsel. i have 1 goby. two hermit crabs and two snails..a cleaner shrimp but i just got him yesterday. and that spot was there before the goby. my other damsel died from what i think is the same thing. he had the same white looking spot on his tail. it stayed the same for a few days then all of a sudden it grew to look bloody and infected. he died the next morning.


i just got home and the spot has grown and looks worse. its kinda swollen, might be some kinda tumor or something. it appears to be bleeding and it has little white balls on the scales of the wound. i called the local fish store and they had no idea. they were closed today or i would have taken him by there. the lfs said the odd thing was that my cleaner shrimp wont touch him. the shrimp acts like hes scared of the damsel or something.... what is this?? how do i get rid off it?? has is already spread throughout my tank??which fish is next?? :help:
im not so sure about saltwater anymore.. :notsure: ive had a tank for less than 3 weeks and ive had nothing but death and struggles...
if i keek loosing fish at this rate im gonna be broke.. that two fish in 4 days.. it would be different if i knew what was killing them :help:


whichever.. thats not imortant right now.. what am i gonna do.. i figure hell be dead tomorrow.. the lfs opens in 3 hours. im gonna c what they think.


no i dont have qt.. what is a burrowing parasite?
as for the fish:i took him to the lfs and i left him there. they said they would give me another fish when im ready..i just got home. hes probably dead already. lfs said there may be something living in the rock i put in the tank. (it was dry. i let the rock sit in the sun for a day and then i washed them thouroughly, probably more of a problem than a solution) they sugested a crab or pistol shrimp that comes out at night.. even though there arent many places inside the rock for them to hide i guess its possible. but the damsel has definatly been cut or had a "shred" as lfs claims.. i think they were a little stumped. they recomend i either take the rock out and "bleach" it.(1/10 clorox to the gal), wait until the lights have been out for awhile, take a flashlight and see if there are any little critters running around, or let the tank settle/continue to cycle with the fish i have and dont add any more fish for at least 2 weeks.....i dont know what else to say.. at least they werent expensive fish. i guess that just the price of learning on your own.
oh and if there are little critters in there that i dont know about, what do i do when i find them. bait them? kill them? i heard of one guy having to have 32 stiches from a pistol shrimp that was two inches long...
does any1 buy the whole "stuff living ur rock" bit??
what do u think??
I Need Some Help Here....
Thanks for Everything


Active Member
well number 1 the guy who is said to have gotten over 30 stiches from a pistol shrimp was probably attacked from a mantis shrimp.
if you let your rock sit out in the sunfor a day then it would have mostly dried out and killed anything in it. now after you added this dry rock to your tank did you purchase and live rock from the LFS. if you did then i can see it being a mantis. but if you didnt buy an LR or LS then there is no way for there to be any mantis shrimp ot pistol or any other critter which would cause Chaos in you tank.


ok. thank you very much.
that helps. i think the lfs was just trying to get me to buy from them anyway. but at least they offered to replace my fish (thats unusual, especially for saltwater). and it may have been a mantis shrimp.. lfs mention several names... i kinda got confused seing that i dont know the difference but i plan on finding out. the dry rock is the only thing in there and im pretty sure the fish had a little scrape before i added it. my parents think the owner of the lfs is crooked :thinking: and that my damsel probably got stuck behind a rock and the infection is what killed him.. what about bacteria though. could my rocks contain something like a parasite or worm etc.....also, is the infection that kill the two damsel going to effect my goby and cleaner shrimp. thats all i have left to worry about.
thanks again. I Greatly Appreciate Your Feedback!