Is this Ich?


I first noticed a few small white spots on my blue tang last week, and have been monitoring it since. Today it seems as if there are more. It is the only fish I see them on.


Staff member
Hard to really see much in the picture. There are examples of ich in the Diseased Fish Thread. If you are seeing white, salt-like speaks, then that is ich.


Staff member
Are those specs black or white? The specks on the black stripe does look like ich. How will treat?


You guys sure do know how to ruin my day

Yes the spots on the black, are white. Having never dealt with this before, do I need to treat all the fish, or just the tang?
I can not treat the DT, due to the amount of corals and inverts present.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by jharlow
You guys sure do know how to ruin my day

Yes the spots on the black, are white. Having never dealt with this before, do I need to treat all the fish, or just the tang?
I can not treat the DT, due to the amount of corals and inverts present.
Unfortunately I will make your day worse....You need to treat all the fish exposed. Beth has an excellent archived thread about treating Ich and setting up an HT/QT.
Beth...Nice new 'modern' avatar!


Thanks for your help! I will begin setting up a hospital tank in the morning.
If nothing else this will give me an excuse to re-arrange some rock in the tank while the fish are 'vacationing'.

al mc

Active Member
Good luck....Please be aware from my personal experience with using a HT/QT, and from what I have read on this board, many people lose fish because they rush their fish into a very small poorly cycled HT. As you begin do not hesitate to post lots of questions so you will learn from all of our mistakes


I appreciate the invite, and am likely to take you up on that offer!
I am thinking about using a 55gal rubbermaid container, and using a fluval 404 for filtration, and do a partial water change every few days as needed.
My fish list in my 125 is as follows:
Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
2 Benggai Cardinals
2 Nemo clowns
Lawnmower Blenny
Scooter Blenny
Engineer Goby
Diamond Watchman Goby (his shrimp is going to miss him)
6 line wrasse
I realize it will likely be a bit crowded, but the addition of a few clay flower pots should give enough structure to get them by, I hope.
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated!


Please make sure your hospital tank is cycled before putting the fish in. Otherwise they go from bad to worst. Ich is not an instant killer but an uncycled tank can be.

al mc

Active Member
I have never used clay pots. I usually use some 'fake' decorations and/or pvc pipe. I think the plan you have is a good one. Are you going to go with hypyosalinity or copper for the treatment?
If hypo..get a refractometer before you start
If copper..I would use the Seachem product..Cupramine and the test kit made by seachem for copper level testing
I learned the hard way to have something like amquel plus on hand to deal with any emergency ammonia.nitrate.nitrate spikes.
Read Beth's treatment/Qt/Ht thread a couple times. There are many people that can offer sound advice. If you look through the 'disease' threads you will see many posts by Beth, Sep and RCreations. While we don't always agree on everything, I believe that they will always try their best to help.


I am leaning toward copper treatment. Something about taking the salinity so low bothers me for some reason, especially with the holidays coming up (travel, etc).
In addition after talking to 2 local LFS today, I have ordered a UV sterilizer and will be adding that to the system as well.
Another lesson learned by a newbie that all newbies should do: QT IS A MUST!!!! In fact if I was to start over, I would buy a QT tank before any other piece of equipment. Hindsight is indeed 20/20, but I made the mistake, and it is me who must dismantle the tank now to catch fish.


Staff member
A UV is not the answer to treating the problem. Also, if you go with a reef system, UV's are not advisable. They kill off beneficial micro food sources of filter feeders.
Spend your money on a decent QT, it will be cheaper to set up than a UV, and a lot more beneficial. If you are traveling for Thanksgiving, you may have a problem doing hypo, but you should be done with it way before Christmas. I will not advise using an uncycled QT for copper treatment. That is a recipe for disaster.