is this ick or fungis


I have A clown fish a little nemo clown. yesterday i had to put my damsel in the quarintine tank cause it was stressing it out by bullying it. well catching it in my reef tank wasnt easy. Needless to say it was stressful on my tank. anyway today when i got home from work it has little i guess you would say cotton patches on its belly and one bottom this a fungi or a bad case of ick. i all ways thought ick looks like little air bubbles all over the fish. can someone help me out with this. and ive heard somthing about dipping fish. is this a good treatment and if so will you tell me how is the proper way to do this.
.p.s. now that i have a fire fish and can look at it up close i think there coloring is out of this world. from his purple and green in the face to his very detailed tail.
corky 66


Active Member
Check out the disease forum and look at the top thread with the disease pics. Tell me which one resembles your fish, if any.
Don't do any dips. They are not beneficial to your fish. After we figure out what is wrong with your fish, we will effectively treat it.


I went to where you said, and it was very helpful. my little clowny has what apears to be lymphocyctic. sorry it took me so long to get back but night came fast here. hopefully im not to late for you to tell me the best way to treat it. by the way in my basement i do have a quarintine tank, in case i didnt mention it. Also want to thank you for the info on dipping wont be doing that. good to no. this site is great. i trust the info here lot more then the local p. co. hope to here from you soon.
corky 66


Active Member
Can you maybe post water levels for me? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, temp)
What are you feeding the fish? Are you using garlic and vitamins?


I checked wtr last night with the quick strips everything showes in the para. nitrites 0, nitrates under 10, amonia 0.0 ph is between7.8 and 8.4 on the strips i use 8.4 is ideal thow i thought 7.8 was your target area. thats the test i do, should i do more that im not doing. salintaty is .024 .025 when i add for evaporated wtr it goes to .023 temp is 76-78 i dont do kh test should I and what is it for
I feed tetra marine flake, frozen brine shrimp, sallys seaweed salad, kents invertabrates for the anenomes. thanks for all your time and advice


If this is actually Lymphocystisa, in most cases, it will go away on its own with good water quality, diet, and time. You may want to soak your foods in vitamins & Beta Glucan 7.5 mg if you can not find that you can use Beta Glucan 3 mg. just open the capsule and dump it in the water you soak your foods in. This should help boost the immune system.


ty for your info, quick question. When you say soak food in vitamins what kind of vitamins is there a special kind or what are they called, and where can a good ole country boy buy them and the beta glucan. all we have in this little mountain town in idaho is wally world my closest pet st. is 30 miles either direction but i go by it 6 days a week on my way to work.


You can pick up Zoe or Selcon from your LFS and the Beta Glucan can be found in health food stores. I have a hard time finding 7.5 mg unless I special order it here in Mich., that is why I use 3 mg.


ty for you good info how long have you been doing the salt wtr tanks. i tried to send you a email but for some reason the server dont reconize anyway i was just doing it so i had someone with good exp. on fish related quest, answers not to be a bother. if you wouldnt mind let me no please


i tried to send you my info but the sever wont reconize my net zero carrier and i dont no how else to give you my info unless i put it on here


my address is gotta go food shoping so let me no by writting if all is ok hope to hear from you soon have a great day bye for now
corky 66- panama kid. I grew up in panama in the mid 60s to mid 70s