Is this Ick.........


I posted in the disease forums of another message board and someone brought up that it may be sand on its fins. I caught the fish in a net and wiped his fin and the white dots were gone but.....i dont know if that is correct. In this pic you can see a coupla dots on both of the side fins at the tip. Tell me what you all think.


i usually dont but it was a spur of the moment thing. He didnt puff up or anything but hoepfully his spines are ok. None seem damaged. So it looks like ick to you.


you are concerned about the white dots on his fins? I have a pufferfish that looks exactly like that and he has small white dots symetrically located on each of his fins, I think it is how they are marked. someone correct me if im wrong?


i will try tonite when i get home. But yes he eats and will not stop eating. i try to give him a krill and feed the rest of my fish brine shrimp and he gobbles the krill whole and goes ater all the shrimp. i try to get him to one side of the tank and everyone else on the other side.


lol i have the same problem with mine. He eats like a maniac, loves his brine shrimp. I think your fish is fine, because my porc puffer looks exactly the same and has had the faint white spots on his fins since we got him, I think its just part of their markings. they are so cute when they swim towards their food...look like little scuba divers :)


i just was concerned because someone else posted a pic of thier puffer and it didnt have any spots on its fins.
this is StacyT's puffer


I had him in QT and they seem like they go away but the lighting isnt that good in the QT tank so they look like they gone but as soon as he gets back into the display tank they come back. He just gets them on his fins and no where else. The other fish dont get them. I figured if it was ick the tang would be the first to get it.
I was treating him with copper but im gonna move him back to the QT and do the hypo tonite. I have a flame angel in QT now that i got last week.....will it be okay in the QT when i drop the salinity?


only thing is there is no way i will be able to get the 2 damsels out of there withouth tearing down the whole tank.....but the other fish doesnt seem affected. I had the puffer in QT for about a month and 1/2 by hisself and none of the other fish seem effected. I dont know but he is in the QT now with the flame angel. The Qt is a 29gallon. I am gonna leave him in there for now and see what happens. If it is ick im gonna have to find a way to catch the damsels.


but i have other fish in the tank and they have no signs of anything. Water params are cool. I dont know what it could be.


i think you're making a mountain out of a molehill myself, if you look at StacyT's pic you see little faint marks on her puffer's fins too. I really dont think its ich as ick usually forms on the body in clearly white cysts. But if you want to QT by all means, its not worth risking an ick outbreak. My pic i included isn't that good but you can kind of see little white marks on mine. I think that is common to all porc puffers.


well turns out it was ick and the flame angel got it real bad but after hypo it shows no signs of any ick after one night. I know it takes up to 3 weeks minimum but they will not be going back into the main display for about a month and a half. Question i have is do yall think the other fish are okay. They have not shown any signs of ick at all but they were around the puffer for a full day before i put the puffer back into QT. My QT is only 29gals so everything couldnt fit in there comfortably but i know i will never be able to catch the 2 damsels. I tried b4 because i want them out but they are 2 fast and they hide in all the rock work. so Any suggestions.
It is a shame that it turned out to be ick, patience is key with ick. Since you moved out the other fish, you could move some of the rock out to catch those damsels. this might be your only chance to catch em.


This was what I observed my fowlr tank. Ick does come and go very often when you have new fish introduced to your tank. If your fish are happy and eating well, they more likely will be able to fight against ick. Once they overcome the ick, the chance that they're getting ick again is lessened. Over stock or feeding might cause ick and fin rotten as well. But the fins do grow back when fish are recovered.


You could try soaking food in garlic. Its supposed to help boost the immune system supposedly. My girlfriends freshwater puffer caught it and between the anti-ick medication and the ultra-garlic that the food was soaked in and even added to the tank water.. It cleared up and hasnt been seen since.


Staff member
All fish exposed to ich must be treated. A tank that has ich will always have it, unless you remove all fish from the tank for at least a month.


my sailfin tang, 2 damsels and the 2 skunk clowns have been in the tank for over 2 months now with no signs of ick anywhere. I initally took the puffer out because of the spots on his fins. Then after about a week or two over a month i put him back in the main display. The spots never completely vanished but they didnt seem to effect him eating or anything plus i was treating him with copper. So i put him back in the mian display and i purchased a Flame Angel and put him in QT. After 1 day of being in the main display the puffer got more spots so back to QT he went. But my other fish havent had a speck of ick on them. I really really really dont want to remove the rock to catch the damsels and i only have the 29gal QT so all the fish will not be able to fit in there. I am gonna just watch the Tang, 2 damsels and 2 clowns closely everyday and keep soaking thier food in garlic and see what happens. If any spots show up then of course i will do whatever it takes to get the damsels out and into a QT tank
IMO, I would just get a BIG plastic barrel and remove as much rock as neccesary and get the damsels out now.. The thought of doing it stincks BUT you will be happy you did it... Think of it as redecorating..
If you have another ICH outbreak and you need to QT your fish. those damn damsels (as I call them) are gonna keep the ICH cycle going in your display. Once ICh is in your tank its always gonna present a problem...... So, just bite the bullet, remove the damsels and let your display tank sit without fish for 4-5 weeks... Then by that time, your fish in QT will be ready to go back into a ICH FREE display tank..
We have ALL seen it here.. we try to do everything and anything to get rid of ICH.. instead of doing what would have worked in the first place.....LAST!!
??did that make any sense??
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: OL
Good luck, Kim