is this light good enough for reef?


ok for what i am understanding the biocubes light sucks for corals and what not. i keep reading about sunpod but 250 for a **** light bulb is insaine yes i know you got to pay to play but i think i found somthing that is just as good at half the price but i need you PRO's word of approval heres the link
http://www.*** **mod edit Please do not post links to competitors of its against the forum rules Thank you**


Active Member
thats pc light. same as the light that came with ur biocube. sunpod for $250 is metal malide. they r completely different. most people go by watts per gallon, and thats the wrong way of looking at lighting. the best lighting are as follow: mh (best), t5 with individual reflectors (just as good as mh, but doesnt penetrate too deep), then pc (best with softies and zoas).


is there anythign cheaper then a sunpod but based on the same idea then?
i love this forum site it take about 30 secs to get an answore to any qustion


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
thats pc light. same as the light that came with ur biocube. sunpod for $250 is metal malide. they r completely different. most people go by watts per gallon, and thats the wrong way of looking at lighting. the best lighting r: mh, t5 with individual reflectors, then pc.
if i were you i would buy either Metal Halide or T5's not PC. that was a mistake i made.
also posting a link to a competitor of is against the rules.


there are alot of different light manufactures. If you are handy there are even retrofit kits that give you even cheaper ways to go.
what are you looking to keep in the tank?


yes i know posting a link to a another site is breaking the rules but hey if you aint cheating you aint trying right
budget 240 is pushing my budget to the max i can do it but i would be eating eating cup of noodles for a while if you catch my drift.
tank is a bio cube its basicaly 20x19x20


Active Member
u cant go cheap with lighting, bc u will end up spending more down the road. spend the $250 or so for the sunpod mh 150, and u will be good to go for anything, provided ur water paramters r good.


Originally Posted by ms3
yes i know posting a link to a another site is breaking the rules but hey if you aint cheating you aint trying right
If you know its against the rules its even worse than not knowing because you still chose to do it anyway. Please do not post Links that violate the rules of the board.


im sorry i dident know i couldent send a link to a site that sold products that dose not. i have use other forum sites of many diffrent things and most of the time it is a slap on the wrist or dident care if it was about thing that they dident deal with. that said now after reading
No links to competitors or sites that link to them nor other BB sites
i will reframe from doing so sorry


New Member
I have a 29 biocube. I certainly wouldn't say the stock lights "suck". They are adequate for most, if not all, of the soft corals you would choose. You are right about the anemone though. They won't support that. After a year and a half with the stock PC I upgraded to the 150 watt Sunpod for about $250 and have been very happy. Maybe you could look hard and find it even cheaper.
Enjoy the noodles.


Active Member
How long has the tank been set-up for? Anemones need pristine water quality and an established tank, think 6-9 months here. My advice is work with what you got and save. I have a Biocube and keep softies and lps with no problems. My plan is when the bulbs need to be replaced (8-10 months) then I will get the sunpod. If your tank was just set-up it would be advised that you wait anyway to get the anemone.