is this light strong enough


I have a cheapy little 25w clamp light i got from home depot for $8. would this be enough for a 9x10 fuge? i have some cheato coming, and want to make sure my lighting is enough. i run the light in the fuge from 10:30pm untill 12:30pm.


Bump... cause thats what I use and I would like to know if others would recommend something more. I hear people say it grows super fast but mine just seems to maintain. :thinking:


Active Member
I have heard that a fuge needs around 40 watts to perform well. IMO, fluorescent bulbs are much better than incandescent. They run cooler and produce far more light per watt.


Active Member
I am sure it will be enough to sustain it. May not be enuogh for optimal growth. Try and it and see what you think.


since i already have it, i will stick with it for now, and see how it works.
If i decide to go to fluorescent, does anyone know of any good clip on fluorescent lights? I dont have much room since its under a 29 gallon tank.


Active Member
I would suggest looking around Lowes or Home Depot at the different fixtures avaliable. They are very easy to mount. What kind of bulb is that? Is that a grow light?


Originally Posted by Sly
I would suggest looking around Lowes or Home Depot at the different fixtures avaliable. They are very easy to mount. What kind of bulb is that? Is that a grow light?
i dont think its a glow light, its just a regular 25w bulb as far as i know. Perhaps i will hit up home depot tomorrow.


Active Member
Get a grow bulb... not a full spectrum bulb. Also if you have plants above the water's surface, make sure they don't get too close to the bulb because it will burn them.


Walmart has GE spiral florescent bulbs that are "Daylight" bulbs. they are a 6500k light. the 2 pack of lights are about $7.
They use 19w of power, and put out 75w of light.
This and a mini clamp on metal reflector from Home Depot or Lowes and you are set up. So far I have had great luck with this set up, and have read many on the internet that share the same success.