Is this lighting crap?



I can't really wrap my head around all of the lighting options.
Could someone take a minute and look at this link and give me their opinion about these lights?
I have the 10,000K fluorescent light only right now and a freebie mushroom I have is doing well.
I have a 30G and plan on having a few fish, some shrimp and some more mushrooms and that is it. I already have some hermit crabs and snails.
I want to get another one of these lights for my tank for a total of two. Is that crap?
Thanks for taking the time to look if you do!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
Coralife bulbs are actually pretty good bulbs. Not to mention that are readily available at alot of lfs. There trichromatic bulbs has got to be one of the most whitest(florecent 30 and 40 watt) bulbs out there. I'm serious, it is bright. With two on a 30 you could handel the mushrooms , a colt, some xenias are a sun coral(tubestrea). Just a thought in case you decide to add more corals.


The wattage is only 15W per bulb, I'd have two.
What about the whole Smartlite thing (See link)? Does anyone know what sort of installation is required? Can I just put these on a glass top?
It would be cheaper, I think, to get these then to get a double hood for two fluorescent bulbs.
Or am I a complete moron and not grasping some vital concept. I would like the strongest lighting I can get for under 200 bucks, but the whole thing needs to be very simple because I seem to read and read and still not understand a thing.
Molly<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


jimibord: First off welcome to the boards. Second, wattage is a poor measuring stick. It all depends on what you want to keep in the tank.
Since you wanted a number though 400 or so watts would be decent to keep a fairly good variety of corals in the tank. This is assuming that it is an even coverage across the whole tank.


Active Member
If you are interested, and want a nice lighting set up for a 30 gallon ( 36" length ) it's hard to beat the CSL Smartlites IMO.
36" x 6" x 4" 1x96 Watt SmartLite $127.90
You get a little daylight and a little actinic.
Half of the bulb is white, the other is blue.
It is what it is - nothing more nothing less.
You can keep a lot of low light corals, mushrooms and such, and it will flat out light up 30 like no other normal output fluorescent I've ever tried.
Check it out if you'd like - I've used them on my 30 and very easy, inexpensive, comes with black painted aluminum hood, heat vents, switch and cord. Not the most high tech out there, but for your dollar you get a nice reliable package.
Look at the 30 gallon tank on my site for an example of this very lighting.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
HTH - see ya


Thank you so much broomer5 and Predator!
broomer5, your tank looks great! What other corals do you keep with this lighting set up?
And if you have time, could you tell me, briefly, what is involved in setting this up? The electrical requirements are what throw me off.
Thanks again!


Active Member
Molly -
Setting it up is as simple as opening the box they ship it in, peeling off this clear plastic stuff on the metal reflector ( nice and shiney ), snapping a single bulb into it's prewired socket already in the metal fixture, snapping the bulb into (2) metal bulb retainers on the polished reflector already in the fixture, placing the unit on your tank, plugging it in and turning it on.
Ten minute job - including five minute coffee break :p
That's it - plain and simple.
You must take great care that it does not fall into the tank, if you are placing on an open top tank. Or you may place it on a glass lid. I took a standard Versa Top glass hinged lid and cut/ripped it apart at the vinyl hinge - just leaving me the one pane of glass. The fixture rests nicely on that piece of glass and will not slide back and forth from one end to the other.
Or you may come up with another method of fastening it to the tank top, with whatever you feel necessary.
I kept mushrooms, leathers, open brain, green/red/yellow polyps and some buttons in the tank for about a year or so.
I'm slowly moving most of my corals over to my 75 reef as I see fit. It will be my main "reef" tank.
I will say this - the corals lived under this lighting, but I would not say I experienced any great deal of growth. It's not the cure all lighting if you wanting to go with a reef tank.
But I do think it's a nice affordable step up from normal output fluorecents, and falls somewhere between inexpensive NO and more expensive VHO's.
See ya - good luck Molly ;)


Thanks again, broomer5!
I am a big fan of instructions for the electrically retarded. Even I (cross fingers) should be able to handle that. :)
I am going to a few LFS's this weekend to look at prices.....


Broomer and Predator,
I think this is the most straight forward answer to a lighting question I have ever seen. Seriously. :cool:


New Member
I just checked out your 30 gal setup from the link and it's very nice. I'm new to the hobby. Bought my wife a tank for Christmas. She wanted a salt water tank. I thought if I started it up, using the basics, she would take over and roll with it. I've kind of gotten hooked since starting my research on what to put in my tank and how to set it up and have never really let her take over.
The more I read and research, the more confused it seems that I get. This is the first straight forward post I've seen, that pertains to what I'm looking towards. Plus, your setup, is what I have in mind to eventually do myself. I was hoping you could share some more insight on your 30 gal setup. For instance, specifics on your filtration/skimming/anything else.
My setup currently consists of 30 gallon tank, about 10-15 lbs live rock, 1-2 inches crushed coral, 1 clown, 2 blenny, 1 yellow tang, 1 carribean anemone. (I realize that's probably more fish than a 30 gal should have, but family members keep buying me fish). I have no idea what wattage my light is. It's a basic bulb that came with the start-up kit so I'm guessing it's highly inadequate to do much more than what I have. I have a hang on bio wheel type filter (not sure of the name). Also have an air pump/hose that pumps air bubbles into tank.
I'd like to slowly work my way towards a reef tank, similar to the one you have, without breaking the bank. Your recommended lighting setup seems simple and adequate. Is their a source you recommend for getting the CSL Smartlites? Are those power compact lights? I've thought about ordering the 96 watt PC kit from AHsupply. Would that be similar to the CSL?
Other questions..
Should I replace my crushed coral with Live sand?
What type powerhead is necassary?
Appreciate the advice.


Active Member
Brief run down of the 30 long set up.
1) 25 lbs lr
2) Mixed aragonite/sand/shell hash substrate.
3) Small under tank wet/dry sump with handfull bioballs, wet/dry and overflow rated for 55 gallon tank, Cap 1800 return pump. Sump holds about 4 gallons ( when running ) 10 gallon total.
4) CSL lighting as mentioned
<a href="" target="_blank"> ighting/pcbrite.html&cart_id=20317.12812</a>
5) 2-3 small powerheads - one at top, one shooting behind live rock at bottom, other one I moved around a lot. I had small Rio 600, ZooMed and an offbrand that died. I'd suggest Maxi/Mini Jets.
6) CPR SR2 Venturi Driven Protein Skimmer - in sump.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
7) Various low light corals as mentioned.
8) The tank had 2 fish at first. Blue damsel, Domino damsel. Returned Domino to lfs.
Added 1 Bangaii Cardinal. Lost the Mandarin.
9) 20% water changes each month - Instant Ocean.
10) Additives - Half dosed Kent Iodine - about 3-4 drops per week. SeaChem reef buffers and calcium additives to maintain pH, alk and Ca.
This was a tank I set up for my girfriend to get her interested in the hobby. She likes to look at the tank and shopped with me for corals - but I ended up maintaining it. No biggie.
Not familiar with the 96 watt PC kit from AHsupply so can not comment. Sounds similar though.
Suggestions for you neofish.
Ask your family members to refrain from buying you any more fish. Very nice of them to do that, but you are at max IMO. Matter of fact if it was me - I would return the yellow tang, and upgrade the lighting pronto for the carribean anemone.
Again if I was in your shoes, I'd remove the CC, and go with DSB with dry and live sand for sure, and add another 10 lbs live rock to your existing rock. One day job - remove everything from the tank to temporary heated/aerated rubbermaid container,make a big ole mess, add DSB and LIVE SAND, place everything back in tank and go on from there. If done quickly and methodically, you should not lose any creatures.
Let tank stablize and then add 1-2 pound nugget sized pieces of live rock over next couple months.
That's about it I guess.
Thanks for the complement - and I wish you much luck.


New Member
Thanks much for replying.
Yes I have already thanked the inlaws for their contributions and asked to hold off any more fish. They are big nature lovers and have taken an affinity to my tank and creatures.
Thanks for the suggestions. The lighting is first on the list. I was also thinking of adding some powerheads in the near future. I'm not sure about the sump. Space becomes an issue. I was thinking of just getting a hang-on type protein skimmer.
What exactly is DSB?
I was told at LFS that the carribean anemone would do fine in low lighting. However, he doesn't seem to be thriving. He seems to lie down sideways, almost as if he's trying to get to the bubbles coming from the air line I have in the tank. I haven't figured out how to feed him either.
Thanks again.