Is this lighting enough for any corals.



Aqualight Corallife. I got 4 light sets at my LFS for a great deal i believe. $17 for a 48" set and $8 for a 24" set. I got 2 of each and they are single linear strips. Currently i have the 50/50 bulbs on and 260 watts on the tank. Will this support any SPS, Corals, or an anemone. All comments are greatly appreciated because i have only had FOWLR. Thanks to Everyone.

eric b 125

i'm assuming they are T5's, but not HO. you should be able to keep softies and maybe some LPS.


Active Member
sps for sure no bro sorry. those are PC softies should be no problem. but the rest like lps yes but from mid to high.


i dont think they are T-5s. On my tank right now is 1 48"set and 2 24" set. which i added up to 260watts


Active Member
only large species anemone that can sustain is a bubble tip but its not optimal. Not going to support most acro's but there a fair share of lower light requiring montiporas. Your lighting is best suited for LPS which you can keep just about any. not a bad thing since they seem to be "in" again (chalice, Cyphastrea, war and other favites, blasto, scolymia's,deep water brains and of course acans seem to be as trendy as sps). you can also keep softies of course.
few sps here and there but for the most part lps dominated