Is this normal ?did I completely cycled

I have a 30g tank and its 15 days already from where I started.I notice that my sand is
rapidly turning brownish color also I seen
plenty of bubbles comin from the sand and on top of the water I notice like a thin film forming.My filtration is Fluval 204 also
I tested the water yesterday and this is my
readings.PH=8.2,Ammonia=0.25,Nitrate=0,Nitrite=0.Tank has 24lbs Arag sand,16lbs live rock
72W power compact 2 blue damsels.Is it safe tto put corals or should I wait few more weeks.Your help is greatly appreciated.
No do not add corals. It takes at least a month to cycle. The film on the top of the water is just a by product from fish food and you if you put your hands in the tank for cleaning. Your ammonia is high.
The reason for the brown colour on the substrate is just algae. It is normal.
Remember patience is the key to a wonderful aquarium along with knowledge.
You did not mention a protein skimmer If you do not have one you should.
I have the Fluval 204 on a fresh water 35 gallon and it is very insoficient. I recamend that you get more filtration.
Thanks a lot for your info_One thing since you mention that the Fluval 204 is insuficcient for 30g should I add another Fluval 204.Is there any recomendations on what filter to use that has great job on filtration.


I went by this chart I found on the web.
And it was accurate except my tank cycled
faster since it was smaller. But according
to the chart, tanks 20 gallons or larger
typcially take 45 days to cycle.
I would do corals, but they need intense
lighting. Your 75 watts won't be enough.
Most recommend 7 watts per gallon to have
healthy corals. And I think Metal Halide
lighting is necessary too? Not sure.


Active Member
Ammonia >0 means it is not ready for corals or inverts.
A fluval(canister filter) is not recommended for reef tanks because they usually turn into nitrate factories.
Reef tanks dont need mechanical filtration.
I recommend a good powerfilter with filter removed and a pair of small powerheads for water movement.